Monday, November 2, 2009

Invest In Success

     Perhaps one of the most fascinating things about being Human is the great capacity for knowledge and understanding our brains possess. It is quite remarkable to think that the Human brain has so much storage capacity that researchers are at a loss to agree on even a best-guess-estimate. When all of the other processes our brains perform every second of our lives are taken into account, it seems that the answer to the question of processing and storage capacity very well could be nearly unlimited. To consider the fact that our brains conceived such a concept as monetary value strikes as rather intriguing. Instead of investing a combination of time and work beneficial to the whole of society based on the ideal that Unified we can advance toward the betterment of society, we have created a world in which we perpetually convince each other that the underlying factor that we must invest in order to achieve this notion of “success” is “money”—both veritable figments of our imagination. Almost everything we go to college for rests solely on the viewpoint that a college degree will somehow earn us more money and success.
     Success is measured almost exclusively by wealth, which sometimes is mistaken for logical, beneficial reasoning. We view money as if to assure ourselves that we can achieve a state of overall well-being. We have essentially conditioned ourselves to cherish money as the center of focus for just about every aspect of our lives. Caught in what can only be described as a “corporate spider web” of debt and deception that puts profit over people, we must Unite to free ourselves from the intertwinement with illogical thought that feeds these beasts of manipulation and deceitfulness. Although it seems a daunting task to completely overturn our current ways of life, the outcome of such unity will undoubtedly lead to a truly beneficial global society, marking the end of “separate societies” and signaling the beginning of “collective progression.”

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