Friday, October 23, 2009


     There are many questions that I ponder on a seemingly day-to-day basis: What is the meaning of life? Would money make me happier? What is happiness? How do we definereality”? Will I do something that has a profound, positive effect on the future of Humankind? Did the universe, through the nearly inexplicable cosmic tendu that began 13.7 billion years ago (with an error of plus or minus 200,000,000 years), somewhere—and maybe even somewhen—else happen to produce at least one other form of life that proliferated on an insignificant planet, orbiting an insignificant star, belonging to an insignificant galaxy, eventually evolving into creatures that developed self-awareness that allowed them to ask the same questions? If so, that is if we somehow—through contact or by some other means—confirm the existence of otherworldly intelligent beings, then what is to become of our comfortable (mis)conceptions of life, government, religion, reality and the universe itself? I believe it could be the introduction of Humankind to a much higher level of understanding; one that abandons the way of thinking that today, contrary to our technological progression that itself evolves at an exponential rate, can be described as sluggish at best (e.g. the atomic bomb.) Although the gap between the two may seem to be light-years, through global unity it becomes remarkably well within our ability and reason to bring these progressions to mutuality. That’s it. The answer, or at least a means to get to the answer, whatever that may be, lies in a simple choice that we must make as a globally unified society.
     It has become my life goal to promote intellectual and technological progression through global unification. The point that I am at in my life right now began with a choice that I made several years ago. It is a very long story that I have already written partially about in a former essay of mine, which is not available on this site; so I will not go into details. This cascade of determinism, however, does somewhat answer the question of my choosing to pursue a degree in Physics. It has been my ascendance through this ever-branching tree of choices that I have made to which I attribute my choice to even sit down and write this short essay. Beyond the individual choices which comprise what has become what I call my "now reality", I have made an overarching decision: To take every writing assignment that I receive throughout the remainder of my educational Human Endeavor to the absolute maximum. I want to project my futuristic envisioning onto the canvas that you are now reading from. The topics are wide and far reaching, sometimes beyond comprehension. This, however, should never discourage delving into the abyss of the “unknown”. For all that which is now known was once unknown. They, whoever they are, say a picture is worth a thousand words. I say imagine a million.

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