Friday, November 18, 2016

The ROVER Missions

            For thousands of years, standardization has been a defining characteristic of Chinese culture. From the Terracotta Army, produced in the 3rd century BCE by hand, to modern manufacturing methods that incorporate machine automation, modular design has allowed us to increase extensively our capacity to provide goods to a rising global population, all while retaining elements of individuality. The ability to use the same pieces for a variety of configurations means that elaborate, updateable, interchangeable goods can now be assembled piecemeal from smaller, more easily mass-produced parts. When Henry Ford popularized the concept of the assembly line in the early 1900s, it perhaps marked the beginning of the modern era of mass production. And in the century since, both our knowledgebase and technical capacity have grown exponentially, giving us unprecedented access to view and experience the wonders of the universe. At this very moment, there are astronauts orbiting roughly 250 miles above the Earth’s surface in the International Space Station! We have a view of the cosmos that is virtually unfathomable even by modern standards. But, with as much progress as we made in the 20th century, and with the ever-growing rate of progress made thus far in the 21st century, humankind is bound to explore much more of the universe as it becomes technologically accessible to us; namely, our own solar system. So, what should we be sending out into the solar system?
            The answer to this question depends upon what we are trying to find out. It presently costs around $10,000 per pound to send materials and people into space. Thus, it can be argued that the impetus for design already is that of carefully balancing efficiency and instrumentation so that cost can be minimized. With the advent of nanotech, 3D printing, smaller memory systems with much higher capacity, radioisotope power, and countless other technologies made possible by discoveries throughout the 20th century, the call to reduce size while increasing functionality has never been easier to respond to. (The cell phones we so nonchalantly carry around in our pockets have far more computing power than that of the computers used to land astronauts on the moon!) However, due to the nature of exponentially increasing technical capabilities, even the Mars rover Curiosity is only as sophisticated as technology developed long before its launch in 2011. So, we have a very important hurdle to jump over when designing for otherworldly exploration; that is, once a project is approved and funded, deviation from the approved plan is highly unlikely. Therefore, even if new technology is developed while the project is being built that might enhance functionality, the likelihood of that new technology making its way into the project is extremely low, if not non-existent. There might, however, be a way around this problem if we embrace the concept of standardized interchangeability.
            Now that practically all our instrumentation has been digitized and is much more compact, the idea of standardizing orbiters and rovers is more than feasible--it's inevitable. The idea is to build a single chassis that can have instrumentation easily and readily changed to fulfill objectives specific to each world the rig will be sent to. The Rapidly-interchangeable Orbiter/Vehicle Exploration Rig, or ROVER, is an ambitious project that represents the future of planetary body mapping. Incorporating everything from the Chinese-influenced standardization to Japanese origami, the goal of ROVER is to utilize the best of what we know works. For example, with the success of the Mariner, Viking, and Voyager missions in the 60s and 70s, and more recently with the Mars Exploration Rovers and Mars Science Laboratory in the 2000s, we have a pretty good idea of the instrumentation necessary to, say, search for life. Since we can’t go to most of the worlds that we are interested in exploring yet, it means we have to let robots be our remotely-accessed senses. Janet Vertesi of Princeton University spent several years studying the Mars Exploration Rover mission team gaining valuable insight into what it takes to plan for daily rover activities. Vertesi writes, “Skilled visualization and embodiment practices are part of adopting the robot’s sensitivities and mobilities relative to its environment on Mars” (p 399). In other words, we must become the robot to think and move like it. Once we understand how to think and act like the robots we send to other worlds, it becomes easier to plan their daily movements:

This skill is not only enacted through representational practices and talk, but is also physically performed through gestures and movements that write the Rover onto the human body. Eliding human and robotic experience begins at the level of talk about the robotic body. Although it lacks a humanoid shape, various parts of the Rover are verbally related to human body parts and actions… The Rovers ‘talk’ to Earth via communication antennas, ‘sleep’ at night, ‘wake up’ and ‘take a nap’, ‘stare’ or ‘look’ at targets on the surface regularly throughout the day. These active verbs describe technical activities, but also reinforce an experiential dimension of these activities consistent with human experience (p 399).

            Again, the sensors required for each mission depend upon what we’re looking for. Say we want to send ROVER to Europa to look for signs of life; what will we need? Starting with the orbiter, there must be a way to communicate with both the team on Earth and the rover on the surface so the use of high-gain and low-gain antennas as well as UHF have proven effective in several previous missions. A new technology that can be incorporated into an orbiter is a version of CubeSats. CubeSats are tiny satellites about the size of a cantaloupe that can be released en masse from the orbiter to assist in surface imaging. While the CubeSats can be used to image the surface in the visible spectrum (possibly other wavelengths), the orbiter itself will house the more sophisticated imaging systems for infrared, ultraviolet, and radio. Once in orbit, telemetry spikes can be released that fall and impact the surface, communicating the data to the orbiter. (Telemetry spikes are an idea I have that could come in handy on a mission to Europa. Since Europa has a tenuous atmosphere, we shouldn’t have to worry about these spikes burning up in it. They can be released, the fall and impact data collected and transmitted to Earth, and then we can take time to analyze the data to determine the most viable landing area.) The idea is to gain as much insight about the surface as possible before releasing the vehicle to land. Another important instrument the orbiter will have is a dust collector and (if available) a compact mass spectrometer to study the material released from plumes that are pulled from cracks in the surface by Jupiter’s magnetic field. The orbiter must have a long-lasting power source. The Curiosity rover presents a convincing case for why we should probably choose radioisotope power for both orbiters and rovers on missions to the outer solar system. (Another rather ambitious idea is to include a sort of “mini-LIGO” [if it’s even possible] to measure the gravitational distortion that occurs as a spacecraft orbits a moon around a massive planet such as Jupiter.) Finally, due to the huge magnetic fields produced by Jupiter, electronic shielding is a given here.
            The lander vehicle that will eventually be released will incorporate much more advanced versions of technologies that have been used before. Of course, if we want to see what we’re doing, we must have a variety of cameras recording data across the spectrum. Any material collected by the “arms” of the rover can be analyzed with onboard gas and liquid chromatographs that can detect chirality. The material can also be viewed through a microscope to search for microscopic signs of life. Europa is likely to have a large, sub-surface ocean of probably highly salty liquid water, indicated by the presence of a magnetic field. Therefore, we’re going to want to use ground-penetrating radar to understand the depth of the ocean. As well, we’re going to want to drill into the surface. Since it is currently unknown exactly how thick the crust is, a better option might be to bring along an apparatus that incorporates a chunk of sealed radioactive material that can be tethered, placed on the surface by the rover, and then allowed to melt through. Since the atmospheric pressure is so low, the melted water will sublime away, allowing the chunk to continue its descent into the unknown unabated by material that would normally slow the process by having to be continually removed. Even if we don’t reach the sub-surface ocean, some of the ice can be collected and melted for pH testing. If landing near one of the plumes created by tidal forces, the rover can drive close to it and collect some of the material being ejected for analysis. A wide range of spectrometers (visible, IR, gas, ion, etc.) will be housed in the rover giving it the greatest chance of finding evidence for biogenic materials. Essentially, ROVER will emulate the Mars Science Laboratory but will exceed its predecessor in the key areas of standardization and instrumentation. The objective of the ROVER missions is to cost-effectively explore every moon in the solar system by 2050.
The 20th century marked a turning point in the human condition. We discovered truths about the universe that were unfathomable just a century prior. In just the past few decades, we have amassed more knowledge than in all of humankind’s history combined. We’ve even landed astronauts on the moon! But, we’re at an important crossroads in society. In my humble opinion, we are living in the most pivotal point in humankind’s history. We have the technology to easily feed, clothe, and house the entire human population of Earth; to automate most repetitive jobs; and to ensure the required dynamic disequilibrium for life on this beautiful world. But, we don’t really do any of that. Instead, we seem content with working on more elaborate ways to kill each other over imaginary concepts such as religion and money. (As an aside, I think it’s fair for me to at least mention a particular aspect of my view of money. That is, knowing that money is simply a form of debt, which is itself a figment, it appears we have been (and continue) asking the wrong question. The question shouldn’t be, “Do we have the money?” If we are serious about innovation, serious about taking care of the planet, serious about learning, growing, and taking care of each other, then the question is, “Do we have the resources and the technical know-how?” Money is a nothing thing. We can’t build the launch vehicles, the orbiters, the rovers, the instruments or anything else out of cash. At least, if we did, they wouldn’t work. Sure, we can argue about motivation but if it takes a figment of our collective imagination to motivate us to do anything on this planet for the betterment of it or ourselves, we are a sorry lot indeed and probably deserve to wipe ourselves out sooner rather than later.) So, we must ask ourselves the question, “Do we deserve stewardship of this planet?” If we can’t be bothered to take care of our very own majestic world—to ensure that we do not compromise Earth’s habitability—how can we possibly be trusted to take care of other worlds we might one day explore and possibly inhabit? In the 20th century, we proved to ourselves that we can venture out into the universe. Now that we have swiftly moved into the 21st century, it’s time to prove that we should

Thursday, October 13, 2016

30 Years

     Today marks the beginning of the fourth decade on this planet for me. Thirty years—what a ride! And, what a weird time to be alive! I’ve said it many times before and I will continually say this: We are living in the most pivotal point in humankind’s history. Never before have we had such unfettered access to information. We have the entirety of humankind’s knowledgebase at our fingertips. So, when I stop and think about the incredible amount of technology that has been developed in the past three decades alone, my immediate thought is that I can’t wait to see what we’ll develop over the next thirty years. Then I think about what we do with current technology and, quite frankly, I’m horrified. You could assume that the natural outcome of having so much information at our disposal would be a far greater level of intelligence throughout society. You could assume that, having reached a point of such streamlined, automated production and distribution, starvation at the very least would be a thing of the past. However, can we say that this is the case? (And the survey says…) Fuck no! Instead, what we currently have is an endless stream of competitive witticism.

     Have you noticed that lately? Let anything happen—good, bad, ugly—and it’s a race to the comment sections of the news articles to be the first to unload an arsenal of insults and memes. Empathy died long ago and was replaced with a smug sense of self-entitlement and cherry-picked emotional offense. That is, the amount of hypocritical rhetoric out there is staggering. It’s amazing to me that people that can barely piece a legitimate sentence together jump right online to bestow upon the masses little nuggets of pseudowisdom in the forms of anecdote, misquotation, misinterpretation, and baseless opinion. We’ll argue vehemently about things that don’t even affect us. For what? What does it accomplish if the moment we put our phones down and look around the world, we have no answers by our own memories and cognition for why the world is the way it is? What does it accomplish if all we do is share information without understanding it?  What does it accomplish if all we can say is, “Well, I can look it up!”? The fact of the matter is we all spend far too much time in this fictitious realm pretending to be something we’re not; pretending to know things we don’t; pretending we unquestioningly need these avatars in order to matter.

     It seems weird speaking in terms of, “I remember when…,” but it’s difficult not to when I experienced an explosion of mind-boggling technology in my lifetime while simultaneously witnessing the erosion of social values. Nothing satisfies anyone anymore. Nothing. It’s probably because we can’t focus; our phones are practically grafted to our hands. You see, I graduated from high school in 2005 and I remember sitting in classrooms with people that were generally engaged. Was everyone there paying attention and participating? Of course not. There were simply people that didn’t give a shit. But, they were few and far between. And, according to my timeline, they are all doing exceptionally well nowadays. Success stories—every single one. (-__-)

I remember how amazing it was when teachers didn’t have to fear for their jobs and schools didn’t have to fear frivolous lawsuits when telling an unruly student to get the hell out of the classroom so that people that did care could focus and actually learn. What the actual fuck happened in 11 years?! Now I sit in college classrooms (COLLEGE CLASSROOMS!) and it’s like people can’t resist being on some type of device for a measly 50 minutes! They can’t sit there, shut the fuck up, and pay attention to the PhD at the front of the class that they are paying to teach! No, no—they have to turn to their buddy for a mini Mensa conference, ignore the professor giving the lecture, and exercise such a disgustingly profound sense of entitlement that the horrified feeling I talked about earlier becomes exponentially worse. The guy works at CERN; therefore, whatever you have to say is irrelevant. All of your questions that are about topics covered 3 semesters from now and needlessly take up precious class time now—irrelevant! As if it couldn’t get any worse, I then realize that some of these people I’m in school with will likely go on and get the chance to build rockets. Those rockets are going to fucking explode!

     But, that’s not all. With all of that connection we have to this digital world, we are becoming increasingly disconnected from the real world. We’re ignoring the very scientific method that produced these wonderful devices which is also telling us that we are catalyzing an environmental catastrophe. For fuck’s sake, there are still people that actually believe Earth is flat! They’ll sit in front of a screen that is connected to the Internet, never having even stepped foot in a science classroom, let alone a laboratory, and hammer away furiously at the keyboard about all of the “research” they have done. Clearly, these people know far better than the astronauts currently in orbit around the Earth. It’s this type of unashamed idiocy that leads to the debacle that is the presidential race of 2016. Yeah, you knew I would eventually get here. How could I turn 30 and not address this ridiculous bunch of fuckery?

     America: WHAT THE FUCK?! Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?! I know I’m cynical but holy fucking shit! My cynicism seems like a refreshing, homely review of a delicious meal at a quaint little mom & pop shop compared to the actual state of this country right now. Hillary FUCKING Clinton?! Donald FUCKING Trump?! These are the idiots you all are arguing over? I’m not sure who is worse: you or them. You fuckwits are coming up with arguments to show your unwarranted support for one scumbag rich fuck head over another scumbag rich fuck head. Here, I’ll make it easy for you: We’re fucking doomed in any case. And it has nothing to do with either of these clowns; they really don’t give a fuck about you and never will. No, my fellow Americans, this has to do with YOUR apathetic outlook toward anything that doesn’t conform to your (generally narrow) worldviews—those hand-me-down opinions from the days of yore mixed with a newfound, safe-space-reinforced, seemingly unshakeable self-entitlement. There’s just one little problem: Someone forgot to remind everyone that our opinions are irrelevant and safe spaces are NOT real. But, coming back to the point at hand, someone also forgot to tell everyone that you reap what the fuck you sow. I’m so glad we have such beacons of Integrity, Trust, Honesty, and Respect to “choose” from this (s)election. Honestly, America, we deserve whatever we get! I really wanted to begin my next 30 on a non-cynical note but when I think about all of the stupid shit that I pump into my eyes daily (that’s right, I’m not exempt from any of this bitching!), I really can’t help it. And, if you know me then you know I can easily go on and on and on. But, most of you have stopped reading this by now and it wouldn't matter because nothing will change. The cycle of bullying, glorified dick and fart jokes, and ghosting continues. So, Happy FUCKING Birthday to me and enjoy the show, folks!


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fiction & Reality Final Paper

Technology and Transition

            Monday, October 13th, 1986: The day I was born. I don’t really remember much about the time in the 80s but I do remember the 90s. Technology that connected to a relatively new advent, the Internet, quickly made its way into homes across the country and around the world. By the end of the first decade of the new millennium, smart phones were ubiquitous and everyone that owned one began connecting to at least one of the several forms of social media developed in the past decade, sharing virtually every little detail of their lives with people that just ten years earlier would have been considered total strangers (some still are!). The dinosaurs of computing such as the Commodore 64 seem so unreal to those born after 2000 that have known since the time they were 5 only what it means to have the technology of the time: touchscreens, high speed internet, and endless games and apps. We’ve reoriented to living vicariously through pieces of glass, pretending the real world exists in a realm we can never physically touch. In essence, in the time since my birth, a paltry 29 years, our society has witnessed an unparalleled paradigm shift across multiple facets. But it’s not been only within my generation; it has been technology, as well as global environmental events, facilitating such transitions and connections throughout nearly our entire evolutionary history as hominids. In this essay, my focus will be on the technological aspect of our proliferation across and population of the world, how technology has essentially been the catalyst for every great transition in the history of several of our hominid ancestors, how the latest advents in machine automation are influencing the current generation’s ways of accessing as well as understanding information, and how through the implementation of a highly plausible, yet arguably radical, idea we can be the generation that changes it all once again. And we can change it to a system which manages resources sustainably and provides access to the necessities of life to everyone on the planet without a price tag. But first, where did we come from?
Feder tells us, “Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, and Ardipithecus are among the candidates for designation “oldest hominid”, all dating to about 6 million years ago” (Feder 2014). These were the first bipedal species and it was from one of these which evolved Australopithecus anamensis, 4.2 million years ago, Australopithecus afarensis, coinciding with a global cooling event 2.5 million years ago, and Homo habilis, producers of the first stone tools (Feder 2014). A stone tool making process known as Acheulean was developed by the next evolutionary ancestor of ours: homo erectus. It is also Homo erectus which began the process of migrating out of Africa, moving into parts of Asia:

The oldest evidence for the presence of hominids in China has been found in the form of chert, sandstone, quartz, and andesite cores and flakes at the Majuangou site in the Nihewan River basin… The site presents researchers with another example of how quickly Homo erectus must have spread across the face of Asia once expanding beyond its place of origin in Africa… Remember that the oldest Homo erectus find outside of Africa dates to 1.78 million years ago at Dmanisi [Georgia]… This implies it that it took Homo erectus just a little more than 200,000 years to spread across several thousand miles of territory (Feder 2014).

Weather has always been a supremely relevant factor in our evolutionary history; however, it is only through technological means that early hominids were capable of protecting themselves from the climatic changes that have occurred over the millennia. The Oldowan tools of Homo habilis and the Acheulean handaxe of Homo erectus, while distinctly different, both served purposes of cutting plant material and animal flesh. In a way, the Acheulean handaxe was the original Swiss Army knife—long before the Swiss Army; long before knives. Interestingly, the handaxe technology appears to have not migrated with Homo erectus, leading to several possible explanations, one of which is supported by Feder:

It is possible that Homo erectus first expanded out of Africa before they developed handaxe technology. Handaxes moved east with subsequent population movements (getting to India by 1.5 million years ago and China after 1 million years ago) (Feder 2014).

Although none of the explanations can definitively account for the absence of the handaxe technology from the migration of Homo erectus, tool-making has been an integral part of the survival of the subsequent species since. Feder continues:

Homo erectus was a stable and long-lived species. Fossils from Africa to east Asia show a consistent morphology from close to 1.8 million to 400,000 years ago. After 400,000 years ago, brain size, relatively stable during the existence of erectus, exhibits a rapid increase, signifying the evolution of the first Homo sapiens from an erectus base (Feder 2014).

            So, what’s the point of going through this history? It turns out that each of these evolutionary transitions—bipedalism, the increase in brain size, and so on—appears to coincide with sophistication of these stone tools. Homo sapiens developed a technique called Levallois which produces consistent flakes from a stone core. Between this period around 400,000 years ago and when anatomically modern Homo sapiens evolved, blade tools were developed. Once the modern form of Homo sapiens replaced every other hominid species including Neanderthals (probably interbreeding with the species at some point) by around 40,000 years ago, the branches of our species in Europe developed several phases of tooling. Feder explains once more:

The blade technologies of the Upper Paleolithic are short-lived, and change is greatly accelerated. In western Europe, for example, the Aurignacian tradition consisted of a specific set of tools that included retouched blades, engraving tools called burins, and stone scrapers, and it is dated to between 34,000 B.P. and 27,000 B.P. (Feder 2014).

Following the Aurignacian, the Gravettian, from 27,000 B.P. to 21,000 B.P., and the Solutrean, from 21,000 B.P. to 16,000 B.P., the Magdelanian, from 16,000 B.P. to around 11,000 B.P., saw a shift from stone tools to bone and antler tools. It was during these latter periods that humankind began exploring the world through what many historians perceive as the first forms of artistic expression.
            Although some of the earliest paintings of animals date to around 35,000 years ago in Indonesia, it is the fascinating work of Upper Paleolithic people near Lasceaux, France from around 15,000 years ago which represents a remarkable change in how our species viewed the world. By this time, the bow and arrow and spear-thrower had both long been a part of Homo sapiens’ hunting toolkit. The development of more sophisticated tools and weaponry, at least in the history of humankind, appears to be contingent upon the refinement of understanding. In other words, it is unlikely that the increasingly rapid technological progress our species has made would have occurred as quickly as it did if the incredibly complex neural network and associate memory system in Homo sapiens’ brain hadn’t evolved. Art, a logical outcome of designing with an associative mind, appears to function as a reflection of the broad, sometimes seemingly-disparate, connections and patterns that our individual minds are capable of making and seeing. John Berger, writing in Ways of Seeing and mostly with the assumption that everyone that is born can actually see, states, “Images were first made to conjure up the appearances of something that was absent” (Berger 1972). Of course, Berger was referring to Renaissance-era artwork, but the sentiment is equally applicable to Upper Paleolithic cave paintings. I’ll revisit more of Berger’s view shortly.
Transitioning out of the Pleistocene era, Earth began warming significantly, leading to an explosion of diverse plant and animal species around the world between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago. With a much milder climate, larger settlements began accumulating around resource-rich areas, along rivers and near river deltas, in places around the world such as Mesopotamia and in Central and South America (Feder 2014). In the span of a few thousand years, our species domesticated many different plants and animals, established large agricultural communities, developed hierarchy and social stratification, operated as vast trading economies, built massive monumental structures, and devised various languages—none of which would have been possible without the series of technological advancements taking place in conjunction with the change in Earth’s climate. So far, the idea that technology is the main catalyst for every great transition in human history holds.
Advancements in metallurgy, casting, and sculpting led to the next great transitional phase in our history manifesting in glorious jewelry, strikingly realistic statues, and beautiful relief sculptures on geometrically produced buildings. But then something happened in our history that stifled progress for about a thousand years: The Dark Ages. Not many historical records have survived from the time but before transitioning again into what is known as the Renaissance, atrocities such as the Spanish Inquisition were carried out and killed several thousand people for not believing in “the right god”. Sparing an unnecessary and long divergence, the Renaissance marked the beginning of another transition in human society.
The beginning of the 16th century was an exciting time for progress. A fantastically realistic form of art had been developing in the area in and around Italy that harnessed the power of the newly-understood concept of perspective. Perspective uses converging lines to give an air of authenticity to three-dimensional representations on two-dimensional mediums. In other words, it shows the world as we see it. Berger writes, “Today we see the art of the past as nobody saw it before. We actually perceive it in a different way” (Berger 1972). Continuing the logic, Berger explains:

This difference can be illustrated in terms of what was thought of as perspective. The convention of perspective, which is unique to European art and which was first established in the early Renaissance, centres everything on the eye of the beholder. It is like a beam from a lighthouse—only instead of light travelling outwards, appearances travel in. The conventions called those appearances reality. (Berger 1972).

But perspective is only relevant to the single viewer of the work of art; i.e. perspective familiarizes the world to a single person when viewed in a single place. “The inherent contradiction in perspective,” Berger states, “was that it structured all images of reality to address a single spectator who, unlike God, could only be in one place at a time” (Berger 1972). Essentially, Berger best exemplifies the point I’m making here by writing, “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe” (Berger 1972). I would take this one step further and say that there is a reciprocity involved. That is, the way we see things is affected not just by what we know or what we believe, but what we know and what we believe are also affected by the way we see things. There is a sort of social construction of knowledge through experience.
            In Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism, Paul Boghossian describes the concept of the social construction of knowledge and how it has influenced our species historically: “Our early ancestors thought they knew that earth was flat, but they were wrong. Although their belief about earth was justified, it was false. If a belief is to count as knowledge, it must not only be justified; it must also be true” (Boghossian 2006). Here, Boghossian highlights an important realization that early experimenters, perhaps most notable of which being Galileo Galilei, made: that shifting around rhetoric in a delightful, sophisticated manner doesn’t actually reveal many fundamental truths about the universe. Instead, it takes repeated experimentation, challenging of any preconceived notions one might have, and, when applicable, abandonment of those notions if they are found to be false. This concept of reserving belief for presentation of evidence was foundational for the four centuries of exponential growth in knowledge and technological advancement since Galileo turned his refined version of a telescope to the skies, discovering the first means by which we would explore the universe. Yet again, technology appears at the forefront of social progression and humankind’s proliferation.
            Since the time of Galileo, we have seen the rise and fall of numerous governments and institutions, witnessed an astounding increase in population, developed unfathomable technologies and means of transportation and communication—some of us have even stepped on the moon! We’ve also allowed the establishment of a fictitious commodity that essentially is so engrained in our modern way of living, life without it seems a distant fantasyland to the vast majority of the population: money. Money is a nothing thing. It has no real value. As it stands, our current modern monetary/market system is wholly contingent upon the existence of electronic banking and the public perception that money is not only valuable, it is necessary. (Technology rears its head again in our quest to discover its influence on our progress.) Money is a socially constructed concept. And as much as I would love to expand upon the concept of money for 10 or so more pages, I’ll simply refer to what Boghossian has to say about it: “If we wished, we could make it the case that there ceases to be money in the future (although it would obviously be far from easy)” (Boghossian 2006). Imagine what we could accomplish by transcending this pretended necessity!
            Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, an active public figure promoting the importance of science education and director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City, has addressed many facets of our society through much of his work. In Death by Black Hole, Tyson explains:

Many factors influence how and why a nation will make its mark. Strong leadership matters. So does access to resources. But something else must be present—something less tangible, but with the power to drive an entire nation to focus its emotional, cultural, and intellectual capital on creating islands of excellence in the world. Those who live in such times often take for granted what they have created, on the blind assumption that things will continue forever as the are, leaving their achievements susceptible to abandonment by the very culture that created it (Tyson 2007).

After nearly 6 million years of evolutionary history, it took us merely 400 years since Galileo’s experimentation to create a system capable of connecting over 7 billion people: The Internet. And what do we do with it? We share cat videos! We bully and make fun of each other! We share glorified penis and fart jokes! We have all become so connected that we’re disconnected! But we also have access to the entirety of humankind’s knowledge-base. So, the Internet is probably the ultimate double-edged sword. We have the world at our fingertips yet waste so much of our time living vicariously through pieces of metal and glass that we risk losing the sense of responsibility that comes with stewardship of a planet.
            Many people throughout history have speculated on the future of our species. Ray Kurzweil is perhaps one of the most prominent writers in the transhumanist camp that advocates the integration of machine technology with humans. “The singularity,” explains Kurzweil, “will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but that transcends our biological roots” (Kurzweil 2005). That sounds great and I understand where Kurzweil is coming from; however, I think that several fundamental aspects of our society need to be addressed before we start talking about such integration of technology with the human body. For example, we allow over 10,000 people to starve to death every single day; we are at constant war with ourselves, developing ever-decreasingly excellent methods by which to incinerate each other; and we have grown into a culture that prides itself on the notion of knowing how to look things up instead of knowing things. Technology is wonderful! But all technology has the potential to be beneficial as well as detrimental. Whereas rescue equipment can be outfitted on a helicopter that is used to save lives, missiles and machine guns can be strapped to that very same helicopter and used to blow people up. Technology is simply an extension of human attributes—intimately interconnected with every great transition in our history. This means that with current technology, we are the architects of the future. So, what kind of future can we have?
            We currently have the technology, resources, and the understanding to design an economic model based upon sustainability, abundance, and preservation; to feed, clothe, and house every human on the planet. Known as a Resource Based Economy, the concept has been developed over the past 75 years by industrial designer and social engineer Jacque Fresco. Fresco recently turned 100 years old and currently resides on a 23-acre research facility built by him and his partner Roxanne Meadows in Venus, Florida. In a nutshell, the idea behind what he calls The Venus Project can be summed up best in Jacque’s own words:

In a Resource Based Economy all goods and services are available to all people without the need for means of exchange such as money, credits, barter or any other means. For this to be achieved all resources must be declared as the common heritage of all Earth’s inhabitants. Equipped with the latest scientific and technological marvels mankind could reach extremely high productivity levels and create abundance of resources (Fresco 2016).

            It’s not unrealistic. In fact, in terms of shaping our own reality, humankind’s future has never been so pliable. We are living in the most pivotal point in our species’ history and have a chance to set a standard of unparalleled social and technological advancement. The choice is ours. If we can manage to unglue our eyes from what appears to have become our technological oblivion (phones), perhaps we can choose to set such an example that 10,000 years from now, our posterity will look back and exclaim, “That was the generation that did it! That generation was the one that decided a high standard of living is a right of every human on the planet! That generation, against all odds, rose to the occasion and proved that we have what it takes to deserve stewardship of this majestic world!”
            That generation is my generation; it’s your generation. Our generation. What are we doing with what little time we have here?

Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. London: BBC and Penguin, 1972. Print.
Boghossian, Paul A. Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism. Oxford:
Claredon, 2006.
Feder, Kenneth L. The Past in Perspective: An Introduction to Human Prehistory. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2014.
Fresco, Jacque.
Kurzweil, Ray. The Singularity is Near. US: Penguin Group, 2005.
Tyson, Neil deGrasse. Death by Black Hole. New York/London: W.W. Norton and Company,