1. Wake up; 2. Brush your teeth; 3. Go to school; 4. Go to work; 5. Come home; 6. Eat dinner; 7. Take a shower; 8. Go to sleep; 9. Repeat STEPS 1 THRU 9. Some would call the result of being born in an industrialized ‘nation’ fortunate. But, is this really how our lives have culminated? The picture becomes even more bizarre when we realize that while this mindless bout of artificiality occurs, tens of thousands of Humans are essentially allowed to die every single day due to preventable causes that technology, if applied intelligently, could easily avoid by creating access abundance of the necessities of life. The question we tend to ask ourselves is this: “Do we have the money?” But, is this the question we should be asking? It is fascinating to realize that a great majority of Humans, billions, are completely oblivious to the money creation process yet we advance the transfer of money as the only initiator of and the only incentive for advancement or well-being. Furthermore, we are consistently conditioned by corporate conglomerate media outlets to be disinterested in learning about anything that does not include some form of infotainment. It soon becomes clear just how influential these along with many other notions and institutions are in shaping the “value” system instilled within Human consciousness.
Blindly accepting, faithfully upholding and subserviently shifting around worthless pieces of cotton and digital bits of information, our global family has been fractured and ripped apart by an extremely misunderstood system that is in reality the fundamental catalyst for war, poverty, deprivation, social stratification, Human trafficking, most crime, and virtually all other atrocities we have subjected ourselves and the environment to. Most do not even bother to think about these connections because, again, a great majority of the Human population has no idea what money is. “That’s just the way it goes,” and, “There’s no point in wasting your time trying to change anything, ‘they’ will never let it happen,” are just two examples of the so-called “arguments” you will hear people attest to when you begin presenting these topics. ‘The way it goes’ is an empty statement because 1. Our reality exists in a state of constant evolution, always changing with the progression of what we understand to be time; and 2. It is simply the result of utter super-saturation of propaganda in the individual Human mind which translates into trends that influence groupthink. Furthermore, there is no ‘they’. The term ‘they’ is a plural pronoun that actually means “unspecified people.” Contrary to the common ‘they’ delusion, there is only ‘us’ and what ‘we’ let happen. And, unless one details exactly who ‘they’ are, this statement stretches into highly suspicious, uninstructed territory. Unfortunately, these are all just sad response mechanisms that are taught to and reinforced by us so the idea is consistently maintained that ‘money is undeniably the only irrevocable way the Human population can properly function’—which, of course, is a myth. And, amid the confusion and misdirection, we have been absolutely docile when accepting the many myths constantly in circulation—including the myth that ‘the Federal Reserve Bank is subordinate to the so-called Federal Government.’
The term myth is defined as “an unproved or false collective belief that is used to justify a social institution.” Disguised as a social institution that is in place to create incentive for social gain, the established monetary institution known as the Federal Reserve actually functions as a hybrid private corporation/cartel that is in business for one thing: profit. So, if we are to ever transcend the supposed necessity of this system, it is critical to understand why we are the way we are and how exactly we reached the point we are at. This requires the histories of the monetary and so-called governmental institutions to be detailed in order for us to arrive at prudent, effective, sustainable solutions to our global social problems. For, as we fall deeper into the rabbit hole, we see just how intertwined all of these systems really are. And if history has taught us anything it is this: We have been lied to repeatedly by the ‘representatives’ of every government, every corporation, every religion, every political party and every other institution that has ever existed. What makes us think that those in positions of differential advantage and power TODAY are any different? The answer is simple: the George W. Bushes, Dick Cheneys, Ben Bernankes, Timothy Geithners, Rupert Murdochs, David and Nicholas Rockefellers, Alan Greenspans, the Pope Whoevers and many others are no different at all. People are not “elected” or rather “placed” into political, corporate and religious power to change anything. Instead, this act is coordinated to maintain the established order; to keep things the way they are. And, it is exactly that: an act; a play; a scene; a fiction. A cursory glance at the state of world political affairs would give more than enough evidence of this fact. So, finally, a question arises: What are we doing? The goal of this blog is to address this question throughout while exploring the possibility of a much needed transition out of the corruption-generating, profit-based, Maritime Admiralty, corporate banking system we are currently perpetuating and into a Resource Based Economy. I would like to say this: I realize how much I don’t know—I will be the first to declare my ignorance of the vastness of knowledge that exists as all that is. Even that statement is ridiculous when confronted with a simple inquiry: How is one supposed to 'realize' how much one does not know...? I have no degrees or ‘certificates’ to indicate I have been properly propagandized in order to complacently participate in the cyclical consumption game for the rest of my regimented life. So, take nothing I say as truth. ‘Truth’ is a biased and subjective notion that only becomes truth when one realizes and accepts it as such. In the words of Jacque Fresco, “In order to know the truth, you would have to know everything—to know what truth is.” I can only relay the information I have arrived at through months of research that is on-going. And so, here is what I have come to realize:
Here in the United States, we live in a society where technological expansion is taking place all around us while fewer and fewer people actually understand such technology. Just think about how many 10-year olds have cell phones nowadays oblivious of the fact that just 20 years ago, cell phones were a relative rarity. This generation is moving with light-speed away from having any interest in actually reading from books. But, can we blame technology itself?—Of course not. What we should be doing is designing and implementing entirely new, constantly evolving educational systems which integrate technology as a supplemental to the life-long learning experience. In any monetary/market system at all, when people neglect or are deprived of the means to understand technology, exploitation through technological abuse inevitably manifests to maximize profits. Why do you think the public educational systems here in the United States are so terrible? When Everything, Inc. controls practically all aspects of all of our lives, it seems ‘too difficult to change’, so people just accept it and move on; chocking the entire situation up to the ‘that’s the way it goes’ category. But, I assure you there is a much better way for us all to advance into the future; and it doesn’t involve the United States or any other so-called ‘nation’ expanding into a global, government-sanctioned, corporate empire, which coordinates most if not all of the world’s affairs with almost no regards to Natural processes.
We are living in a star-spangled fantasyland if we for one second truly believe the United States is free from diatribe for definitely influencing governmental and commercial action all around the globe every single day. Here's an idea: stop listening to people with no tenable information and more importantly no viable solutions. Be more open-minded to new ideas and stop viewing the United States as ‘The Best Damn Thing That Ever Happened to this Whole Wide World—and if you don’t like it, you can just get the hell out of here!’ This perpetual arrogance, which results from sheer ignorance, is exactly why "America" is far from the best damn thing on Earth. Homelessness exists; poverty exists; crime exists; war exists and is actually cherished and applauded; social stratification exists; monotonous jobs exist; technological abuse exists; religious subjugation exists; racial inequality exists; wage-slavery exists; Human trafficking exists—we are far from anything truly respectable. And, despite what you may believe, we really can help others all around the world. How? By setting an unprecedented example of sustainability by sharing our resources, knowledge and technology with all people of Earth; anything less will simply be a continuous cycle of the same exploitative methods which have been used for millennia.
Now, in our global society today, we are taught a number of different ideologies, superstitions and belief systems that have no physical referents other than sparse, misunderstood concepts that vaguely attempt to describe Natural phenomena—yet, almost all of them are taught as ‘truth’. Unfortunately, we are NOT taught critical thinking—a topic that should be engaged at the earliest stages of childhood development. Furthermore, we are NOT taught how to effectively communicate at these early stages. Thus, we tend to talk AT one another, not TO one another. Allow me to explain what Jacque meant when he said this: We talk AT one another based on subjective, usually baseless, projections. In other words, you get opinions backed with more opinions rather than talking TO one another based on tenable research and common interpretation of the meanings of words. For example, we say things like, “The sky is blue.” That’s not an accurate description of anything. What is actually happening is this: Sunlight travels through the atmosphere and as longer wavelengths of light, such as red and yellow, easily pass through the molecules of air, shorter wavelengths of light, especially blue, are heavily refracted and bounce around the atmosphere until they finally reach your eyeball. There, the information is again refracted, inverted, and converted into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain’s processing center and interpreted based upon multiple complex associations formed over the course of one’s life. However, we also are not taught to think in technical terminology, which is quite unfortunate considering the objective observation that the very construct of the Universe itself, and thus everything in it—whether finite or infinite—is technical; even your body. For, you are a biochemical, combustion factory that happens to be conscious and interactive with everything that is.
Take a deep breath. Do you feel that? You are everything out there; everything that you conceive. You are the environment--not separate from it. And, although all language in one way or another is predicated upon individual interpretation, we are capable of creating and understanding an Universal language that is not based on interpretation to describe this symbiosis; at least to the extent that one is proficient in any given basic communicative language. Thus, Science and Mathematics are not based upon interpretation. In fact, the language of Science and Mathematics is derived directly from the environment; aligning all analyses of statistical information with observational and experimental data--not some politician's opinions of the way the world ought to be; which is, essentially, today's "Norm". This absurd world view is completely outmoded and unnecessary in our technical reality. But, remember: Take nothing I say, and take nothing anyone says as 'truth'. Do your own research. Ask questions, and perhaps most importantly, question your own beliefs first. How else are we to learn from one another unless we allow for our ideas to evolve as new information is constantly introduced through our sensual experience of our Universe? In closing, I would like to reiterate a point that Peter Joseph made: Our creativity is our divinity; and technology is divinity in action.
Now is the time the time to acknowledge the journey which influences how the future unfolds; the journey from which we all are free to learn through experience; the journey that all of Humankind is on together; the journey that affects all species on Earth. No matter how far into the Universe we eventually explore, this journey will be ours and what we make it. This is the journey our species has been on for nearly a million years; and it will continue only for as long as we allow it to. Take a walk with me on a new path that leaves behind our destructive, exploitative ways, and moves us into the direction of sustainability, technological and intellectual advancement. The future is always ahead of us; the path that we choose to get there on is our legacy. That path; that legacy is our Zeitgeist.We are ONE species; sharing ONE planet with millions of others. And that is what we must never forget: We already are not alone...