Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Linguistic Plaster

     If we examine the fundamental causes of the problems we face in society, we discover that a vast majority are technical. Technical problems require technical solutions; not some corporate-owned, preselected politician's opinion, which is based on subjective, biased notions almost always constructed as a product, and within the context, of a monetary system. Hence, politics, and thus government itself, becomes virtually meaningless when money buys the opinions which are passed on to the general public as near-empirical or immutable. And, so we arrive at an understanding that there is no such thing as "freedom of choice" in any monetary system. Instead, we are presented with a pre-selected wall of choices or set of politicians that we are forced to “choose” from. "Republicans" and "Democrats" are practically one and the same; the only difference being the degree by which individuals claiming such categorical dispositions agree on the same, irrelevant rhetoric. Beyond the obvious, "democracy" has never existed anywhere on Earth; it is simply an illusion perpetuated by the established institutions of this world (mainly the Banks) in order to maintain a systematic exploitative scheme which keeps the slave-public ignorant, misinformed and complacent in regards to the belief that we actually participate. Did you vote on the space program? Did you vote on the educational system? Did you vote on the bailout for the banks; the transportation infrastructure; the energy infrastructure; the war in Iraq; the war in Afghanistan? No—you did not. So, where the hell is your participation?
     In a “true” democracy, we would see 5,000 or more different political parties with an endless series of political, cultural, educational, religious, and societal views—not just two. Everyone could participate because everyone, young, old and everything in between, has the capacity to contribute. But, when politics exists in a monetary-based economic system, lobbying and campaign contributions, which constitute billions of dollars per year, create an inherently corrupt atmosphere in which opinions are given the precedence of “value” over accumulated, relevant data. And so, corruption becomes pervasive throughout society because propaganda is constantly shifted around as factual; especially in today’s technically oblivious social structure which seems to consist of a series of acronyms, initial-isms, and 140-character, grammatically incorrect discourse that is nothing more than the direct product of any industry’s key component—marketing; specifically, the marketing of ignorance-inducing infotainment, competition and inferiority.
     Our society in the United States conditions us to consistently instill within ourselves the idea that it is far better to believe or to have “faith” in something or someone than to actually know something ourselves. Furthermore, we are taught to believe that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion—which, when viewed objectively, is an opinion. However, what is perhaps most detrimental to the Human mind is the fact that we are brought up in a competition-based, fiat monetary system in which we are forced to constantly fight with each other for the necessities of life due to the pretended scarcity generated by the system’s fundamental propensity to keep ‘cyclical consumption’ going. Simply stated, cyclical consumption refers to the employer-to-employee-to-consumer mechanism that drives a monetary-based economic system. An employee works for an employer in exchange for a wage. In turn, both the employers and the employees act as consumers and thus the system perpetuates or cycles. If purchasing power for the employers or the employees ever diminishes the system spirals into a recession or collapses entirely. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened repeatedly throughout history in order for the established institutions to maintain authoritative control over the masses by indoctrinating society to the primitive notions of wage-servitude and ‘Everything, Inc. Is the Way It Goes’! Hence, the banks maintaining control over all of us. How? Just think about it: money is created in a bank, and at the end of the day money ends up in a bank. So, who are you really working for? To take this one step further, we clearly have the technology to fully automate virtually all industries and provide a higher standard of living for every Human on Earth by maintaining, preserving and managing all of this planet’s resources intelligently. So, why do you still have to sell your labor in the proverbial ‘open market’ as a commodity in order to share in the true wealth of this world—resources? Quite simply, it is a modern form of global slavery. If this was not the case, we would share this planet’s resources and work towards raising Humans to their highest potential. After all, the fruits of the Earth belong to us all, and the Earth itself to nobody.
     The societal “values” we have grown up with have become so distorted by the modern established institution, comprised of a relatively small group of elitist bankers, government officials and corporate CEOs, that most of us are unable to distinguish between the economic systems conducting all commerce in our societies and the governments that are in place to regulate these systems and prevent despotic monopolies or cartels. Viewed objectively, however, these are simply three systems of social control, composed of the same people, vying for total dominance over not only the global population, but each other as well. In truth, it is difficult to even make any distinctions when we witness the same people jumping back and forth between at least two of these systems so often. One moment, a man is CEO of the largest oilfield services company in the world, the next moment he is the Vice President of the United States—along-side the newest in a long line of corporate puppets: Family-Owned, Oil-Operated; President, George W. Bush. Following the botched 2000 Presidential Election “Americans” complacently accepted as ‘not unusual at all’, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers and Tower 7 along with the missile hitting the Pentagon and faked “plane crash” in Pennsylvania on September 11th, 2001 made us even more delusional and led us into two preemptive wars that opened up the Industry to so-called “private contractors” such as Blackwater and KBR—a former subsidiary of Halliburton. But, can anyone really be surprised at all? [UPDATE: May 20, 2015: I want to be clear about this statement. I wrote this almost 5 years ago when I was reading and watching a whole bunch of conspiracy theory literature and videos. At this particular point in my life, I prefer to not even discuss these issues since they automatically cut off conversations and make it virtually impossible to maintain a rational discourse. It's more of a distraction and there are too many pertinent issues to discuss and problems to solve TODAY to be caught up in never-ending debates that solve none. The reason I'm leaving this here is because it is a part of my intellectual evolution and it would be dishonest to remove it.] 
     The corruption we see around the planet is a usual outgrowth of competition. To put it a different way, we must take a giant step back and ask ourselves, without a monetary-based economic system in place enforcing and in fact creating an environment of competition which is the root-cause of almost all of the aberrant behavior Humans routinely chock up to the fallacious idea of “Nature”, what would there be to regulate? Who is going to steal anything if everyone has access to all goods and services at all times free of debt or servitude? What if we created abundance of the necessities of life? We already do! Just take a look around at the nearest multinational corporate supermarket and think about the amount of produce, food, and resources in general that are wasted or thrown out on a daily basis. The Earth itself is nothing but abundant in energy and resources. But, when we allow anyone to declare any part of the Earth private property; when we allow corporations to intentionally create inferior products, to practice wasteful or toxic methods, or to pretend scarcity of resources; when we allow governments to consistently neglect to actually bring about continual change in the Human mind, we are forcing future generations into socio-economic straight-jackets. We are forcing our Posterity into debt-slavery. In fact, we are living an illusion which makes us believe that infinite wants and needs can actually be satisfied by our finite planet. This, of course, is just not possible in any system at all. This is a powerful realization that often we overlook due to the massive “static misinformation” caused by advertising and marketing campaigns which train us to believe we have to have the crap that is constantly thrown in our faces, all day, every day by conglomerate news media outlets; even if the products are designed for profitability instead of sustainability—as most are. What the hell is going on?
     Now, let’s try something new: what if we recognize the Earth as the common heritage of all the world’s inhabitants while implementing technology to relieve Humans of boring, dangerous, repetitious jobs? Perhaps then we may realize our true so-called “Nature” as “intelligent” beings—to maintain the symbiotic relationship between all life on Earth while managing its finite resources with total Human and environmental concern—a resource-based economy. But, to understand why the monetary-based economic system has been perpetually failing to provide for the fundamental necessities of all Human Beings, let us examine one of the most rapidly-expanding, exploitative, wasteful, environmentally and socially destructive ideologies sweeping the world over—neoliberal globalization.
     The term neoliberal globalization simply refers to the expansion of Capitalism to create and encompass an entire global network of trade markets. Although this notion has been applauded and praised to highest regard by the few in true economic hegemony at the top, it has been extremely detrimental to the health, overall well-being, and advancement of the Industry-created Third World. Fundamentally, the capitalist economic system is based on the monetary system; just as socialism, communism, and fascism are based on the monetary system. However, capitalism remains almost entirely contingent upon the idea that competition breeds progress by supplying incentive (money) for new ideas and thus progression of society itself. This falsehood, though it may seem appealing on paper, has propelled Humankind into a new age of exploitation, manipulation, and elitist control. Just as this system has created the richest of the rich, it too has created the poorest of the poor. For, without the poor, there would be no rich. Why?—because the rich get richer off of the poor getting poorer. It is an inherent feature of the system that is too often overlooked or outright neglected. As a result, social stratification ensues and an ever-increasing gap between the rich and poor becomes manifest. As this may come to a surprise to some, it shouldn’t; for, it is the functionality of the system itself to perpetuate constant divisionary lines through the competition-based mindset. In other words, it is a natural outgrowth in any system of competition for people to get left behind with absolutely no consideration at all. Thousands of people don’t starve to death on a daily basis because of a lack of resources—this is a fallacy. Undoubtedly, this is the result of a lack of purchasing power.
     So, instead of improvidently wasting irreplaceable resources, subjecting the Human population to a system of debt slavery, and wreaking havoc on the entire global ecosystem, perhaps we should align ourselves with natural processes while living within the carrying capacity of Earth; which, by the way, is a technical issue. Again, technical problems require technical solutions—not some arbitrary law or resolution which simply plasters over problems and offers no ‘real’ insight into the root-causes of such problems. A resource-based economy, and thus the intelligent management of Earth’s resources through the liberal application of technology, will undoubtedly provide our global Posterity with an unprecedented foundation upon which a future of true advancement can flourish like never before in all of Humankind’s history. It is simply a matter of understanding.
     Well, what if we examine other economic systems, such as communism, fascism, or socialism? Unfortunately, when attempting to compare the similarities or dissimilarities of any developmental approaches that are discussed on corporate-news media or in propaganda-filled, biases-generating textbooks, it becomes evident that none of these approaches offer any truly viable solutions. Every idea advanced is still framed within the context of monetary-based economic systems and none even acknowledge that the ‘real’ problem might be the economic systems themselves (the root-cause.) Therefore, it becomes nonsensical to even compare them along any divisionary lines, because fundamentally they are all one and the same. It is like drawing imaginary divisional lines to segregate Humans based on a fallacious notion of “race;” for, when we take the most objective observation we are capable of (since it is impossible for Humans to be entirely objective,) it becomes manifest that we all are one and the same—we all simply comprise the Human Race.
     Capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, structuralists, neo-liberalists, activist organizations, NATO, the UN, liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans, the IMF, the WTO, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, lobbyists, politics, democracy, freedom, patriotism, economic sanctions, Structural Adjustment Programs, war, poverty, depravation, and all the other –isms, -ists, -tions, -tys, and –cys, are symptoms of the underlying problems we face as a globally-pervasive species. As stated earlier, the only ‘real’ problems are those common to all Human Beings and the environment which sustains us all. So, how do we provide basic necessities of life and maintain the health and well-being of nearly 7-billion people while living interdependently with the environment? This is undoubtedly a technical question. And, until we realize this, linguistic plaster (our cherished Band-Aid of choice), which comes in the form of laws and resolutions, will be the paradoxical cure-all to the social diseases created by its very existence. We are but One species, sharing One planet; One system; One. I am you; you are me; and we are everything that we conceive.

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