Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Linguistic Plaster

     If we examine the fundamental causes of the problems we face in society, we discover that a vast majority are technical. Technical problems require technical solutions; not some corporate-owned, preselected politician's opinion, which is based on subjective, biased notions almost always constructed as a product, and within the context, of a monetary system. Hence, politics, and thus government itself, becomes virtually meaningless when money buys the opinions which are passed on to the general public as near-empirical or immutable. And, so we arrive at an understanding that there is no such thing as "freedom of choice" in any monetary system. Instead, we are presented with a pre-selected wall of choices or set of politicians that we are forced to “choose” from. "Republicans" and "Democrats" are practically one and the same; the only difference being the degree by which individuals claiming such categorical dispositions agree on the same, irrelevant rhetoric. Beyond the obvious, "democracy" has never existed anywhere on Earth; it is simply an illusion perpetuated by the established institutions of this world (mainly the Banks) in order to maintain a systematic exploitative scheme which keeps the slave-public ignorant, misinformed and complacent in regards to the belief that we actually participate. Did you vote on the space program? Did you vote on the educational system? Did you vote on the bailout for the banks; the transportation infrastructure; the energy infrastructure; the war in Iraq; the war in Afghanistan? No—you did not. So, where the hell is your participation?
     In a “true” democracy, we would see 5,000 or more different political parties with an endless series of political, cultural, educational, religious, and societal views—not just two. Everyone could participate because everyone, young, old and everything in between, has the capacity to contribute. But, when politics exists in a monetary-based economic system, lobbying and campaign contributions, which constitute billions of dollars per year, create an inherently corrupt atmosphere in which opinions are given the precedence of “value” over accumulated, relevant data. And so, corruption becomes pervasive throughout society because propaganda is constantly shifted around as factual; especially in today’s technically oblivious social structure which seems to consist of a series of acronyms, initial-isms, and 140-character, grammatically incorrect discourse that is nothing more than the direct product of any industry’s key component—marketing; specifically, the marketing of ignorance-inducing infotainment, competition and inferiority.
     Our society in the United States conditions us to consistently instill within ourselves the idea that it is far better to believe or to have “faith” in something or someone than to actually know something ourselves. Furthermore, we are taught to believe that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion—which, when viewed objectively, is an opinion. However, what is perhaps most detrimental to the Human mind is the fact that we are brought up in a competition-based, fiat monetary system in which we are forced to constantly fight with each other for the necessities of life due to the pretended scarcity generated by the system’s fundamental propensity to keep ‘cyclical consumption’ going. Simply stated, cyclical consumption refers to the employer-to-employee-to-consumer mechanism that drives a monetary-based economic system. An employee works for an employer in exchange for a wage. In turn, both the employers and the employees act as consumers and thus the system perpetuates or cycles. If purchasing power for the employers or the employees ever diminishes the system spirals into a recession or collapses entirely. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened repeatedly throughout history in order for the established institutions to maintain authoritative control over the masses by indoctrinating society to the primitive notions of wage-servitude and ‘Everything, Inc. Is the Way It Goes’! Hence, the banks maintaining control over all of us. How? Just think about it: money is created in a bank, and at the end of the day money ends up in a bank. So, who are you really working for? To take this one step further, we clearly have the technology to fully automate virtually all industries and provide a higher standard of living for every Human on Earth by maintaining, preserving and managing all of this planet’s resources intelligently. So, why do you still have to sell your labor in the proverbial ‘open market’ as a commodity in order to share in the true wealth of this world—resources? Quite simply, it is a modern form of global slavery. If this was not the case, we would share this planet’s resources and work towards raising Humans to their highest potential. After all, the fruits of the Earth belong to us all, and the Earth itself to nobody.
     The societal “values” we have grown up with have become so distorted by the modern established institution, comprised of a relatively small group of elitist bankers, government officials and corporate CEOs, that most of us are unable to distinguish between the economic systems conducting all commerce in our societies and the governments that are in place to regulate these systems and prevent despotic monopolies or cartels. Viewed objectively, however, these are simply three systems of social control, composed of the same people, vying for total dominance over not only the global population, but each other as well. In truth, it is difficult to even make any distinctions when we witness the same people jumping back and forth between at least two of these systems so often. One moment, a man is CEO of the largest oilfield services company in the world, the next moment he is the Vice President of the United States—along-side the newest in a long line of corporate puppets: Family-Owned, Oil-Operated; President, George W. Bush. Following the botched 2000 Presidential Election “Americans” complacently accepted as ‘not unusual at all’, the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers and Tower 7 along with the missile hitting the Pentagon and faked “plane crash” in Pennsylvania on September 11th, 2001 made us even more delusional and led us into two preemptive wars that opened up the Industry to so-called “private contractors” such as Blackwater and KBR—a former subsidiary of Halliburton. But, can anyone really be surprised at all? [UPDATE: May 20, 2015: I want to be clear about this statement. I wrote this almost 5 years ago when I was reading and watching a whole bunch of conspiracy theory literature and videos. At this particular point in my life, I prefer to not even discuss these issues since they automatically cut off conversations and make it virtually impossible to maintain a rational discourse. It's more of a distraction and there are too many pertinent issues to discuss and problems to solve TODAY to be caught up in never-ending debates that solve none. The reason I'm leaving this here is because it is a part of my intellectual evolution and it would be dishonest to remove it.] 
     The corruption we see around the planet is a usual outgrowth of competition. To put it a different way, we must take a giant step back and ask ourselves, without a monetary-based economic system in place enforcing and in fact creating an environment of competition which is the root-cause of almost all of the aberrant behavior Humans routinely chock up to the fallacious idea of “Nature”, what would there be to regulate? Who is going to steal anything if everyone has access to all goods and services at all times free of debt or servitude? What if we created abundance of the necessities of life? We already do! Just take a look around at the nearest multinational corporate supermarket and think about the amount of produce, food, and resources in general that are wasted or thrown out on a daily basis. The Earth itself is nothing but abundant in energy and resources. But, when we allow anyone to declare any part of the Earth private property; when we allow corporations to intentionally create inferior products, to practice wasteful or toxic methods, or to pretend scarcity of resources; when we allow governments to consistently neglect to actually bring about continual change in the Human mind, we are forcing future generations into socio-economic straight-jackets. We are forcing our Posterity into debt-slavery. In fact, we are living an illusion which makes us believe that infinite wants and needs can actually be satisfied by our finite planet. This, of course, is just not possible in any system at all. This is a powerful realization that often we overlook due to the massive “static misinformation” caused by advertising and marketing campaigns which train us to believe we have to have the crap that is constantly thrown in our faces, all day, every day by conglomerate news media outlets; even if the products are designed for profitability instead of sustainability—as most are. What the hell is going on?
     Now, let’s try something new: what if we recognize the Earth as the common heritage of all the world’s inhabitants while implementing technology to relieve Humans of boring, dangerous, repetitious jobs? Perhaps then we may realize our true so-called “Nature” as “intelligent” beings—to maintain the symbiotic relationship between all life on Earth while managing its finite resources with total Human and environmental concern—a resource-based economy. But, to understand why the monetary-based economic system has been perpetually failing to provide for the fundamental necessities of all Human Beings, let us examine one of the most rapidly-expanding, exploitative, wasteful, environmentally and socially destructive ideologies sweeping the world over—neoliberal globalization.
     The term neoliberal globalization simply refers to the expansion of Capitalism to create and encompass an entire global network of trade markets. Although this notion has been applauded and praised to highest regard by the few in true economic hegemony at the top, it has been extremely detrimental to the health, overall well-being, and advancement of the Industry-created Third World. Fundamentally, the capitalist economic system is based on the monetary system; just as socialism, communism, and fascism are based on the monetary system. However, capitalism remains almost entirely contingent upon the idea that competition breeds progress by supplying incentive (money) for new ideas and thus progression of society itself. This falsehood, though it may seem appealing on paper, has propelled Humankind into a new age of exploitation, manipulation, and elitist control. Just as this system has created the richest of the rich, it too has created the poorest of the poor. For, without the poor, there would be no rich. Why?—because the rich get richer off of the poor getting poorer. It is an inherent feature of the system that is too often overlooked or outright neglected. As a result, social stratification ensues and an ever-increasing gap between the rich and poor becomes manifest. As this may come to a surprise to some, it shouldn’t; for, it is the functionality of the system itself to perpetuate constant divisionary lines through the competition-based mindset. In other words, it is a natural outgrowth in any system of competition for people to get left behind with absolutely no consideration at all. Thousands of people don’t starve to death on a daily basis because of a lack of resources—this is a fallacy. Undoubtedly, this is the result of a lack of purchasing power.
     So, instead of improvidently wasting irreplaceable resources, subjecting the Human population to a system of debt slavery, and wreaking havoc on the entire global ecosystem, perhaps we should align ourselves with natural processes while living within the carrying capacity of Earth; which, by the way, is a technical issue. Again, technical problems require technical solutions—not some arbitrary law or resolution which simply plasters over problems and offers no ‘real’ insight into the root-causes of such problems. A resource-based economy, and thus the intelligent management of Earth’s resources through the liberal application of technology, will undoubtedly provide our global Posterity with an unprecedented foundation upon which a future of true advancement can flourish like never before in all of Humankind’s history. It is simply a matter of understanding.
     Well, what if we examine other economic systems, such as communism, fascism, or socialism? Unfortunately, when attempting to compare the similarities or dissimilarities of any developmental approaches that are discussed on corporate-news media or in propaganda-filled, biases-generating textbooks, it becomes evident that none of these approaches offer any truly viable solutions. Every idea advanced is still framed within the context of monetary-based economic systems and none even acknowledge that the ‘real’ problem might be the economic systems themselves (the root-cause.) Therefore, it becomes nonsensical to even compare them along any divisionary lines, because fundamentally they are all one and the same. It is like drawing imaginary divisional lines to segregate Humans based on a fallacious notion of “race;” for, when we take the most objective observation we are capable of (since it is impossible for Humans to be entirely objective,) it becomes manifest that we all are one and the same—we all simply comprise the Human Race.
     Capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, structuralists, neo-liberalists, activist organizations, NATO, the UN, liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans, the IMF, the WTO, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, lobbyists, politics, democracy, freedom, patriotism, economic sanctions, Structural Adjustment Programs, war, poverty, depravation, and all the other –isms, -ists, -tions, -tys, and –cys, are symptoms of the underlying problems we face as a globally-pervasive species. As stated earlier, the only ‘real’ problems are those common to all Human Beings and the environment which sustains us all. So, how do we provide basic necessities of life and maintain the health and well-being of nearly 7-billion people while living interdependently with the environment? This is undoubtedly a technical question. And, until we realize this, linguistic plaster (our cherished Band-Aid of choice), which comes in the form of laws and resolutions, will be the paradoxical cure-all to the social diseases created by its very existence. We are but One species, sharing One planet; One system; One. I am you; you are me; and we are everything that we conceive.

Visit The Venus Project

Thursday, August 5, 2010

War!--What is it Good for?

     Throughout the history of Humankind, war has been a purportedly inescapable plague that has devastated millions of lives; doing so recently while simultaneously destroying the environment which sustains all life on Earth. And because this supposed necessity of war has taken such an all-encompassing toll, we have been repeatedly conditioning ourselves to believe the irrational argument that it is in our “nature” to be at war. However, when we examine the fundamental factors which actually generate such propensities, it becomes clear that the environment has played the largest role influencing aberrant behavior that directly leads to war. Likewise, the environment plays an equal role influencing constructive behavior. Thus, the notion of Human “nature” is unveiled as a fallacy; for, there is no such thing as Human Nature—there is only Human behavior. And this behavior, which can be translated throughout the animal kingdom here on Earth, is undoubtedly influenced most by our environment. And so we arrive at an understanding that if all species are influenced most by the environment, and that environment is either abundant or scarce in resources or basic necessities of life, plants and animals will react accordingly because they have to; not because it is in their “nature.” Examining our own past, we find that for hundreds of thousands of years, Humans lived in a synergetic relationship with the environment as well as all other species on Earth. In other words, there was balance or equilibrium pervasive throughout the entire ecological system while the carrying capacity of the Earth was virtually self-regulating. Why? It was simply a matter of “intelligent” species’ technical capabilities; or their lack thereof. But then something happened in the mid-18th century. A revolution was taking Great Britain by storm—The Industrial Revolution.
     Until this particular point in Humankind’s history, scarcity was perhaps the most significant factor contributing to war within our own species. But, with the advent of technology capable of creating abundance with little or no Human labor, even relieving Humans from slavish conditions, it is logical to assume that war, as well as all of the tendencies and rationalizations created by scarcity, would have disappeared altogether. Sadly, this was not the case. Rather, technical capabilities flourished substantially in the 18th Century while intellectual advancement remained stagnant, at best. However, it was not until the mid-19th Century in the relatively young United States that technology began a trend of literally exponential growth that eventually led to the Middle East in the 1920’s. There, “American” and European corporations discovered and began exploiting the vast oil fields the area contained. It was only a matter of time before war would again be called upon as the only option by nations failing to find prudent ways to bridge their differences while failing concurrently to realize and then utilize technology for what it truly is: an extension of Human attributes.
     World War II ushered in a new era of economic growth due to massive exploitation by corporations that benefited directly from perpetuation of war. So, when France and England began losing grip on their colonies, the United States (specifically U.S.-based, multinational corporations) stepped in to set up a strategic alignment for a so-called “fair-share stakes” in the oil fields. But Iran sought to nationalize the oil so that Iranian citizens would directly benefit from the export profits. As this meant that the U.S. corporations’ profits would be substantially reduced, the CIA conducted a coup to oust President Mossadegh and place the former Shaw back in power. In turn, the Shaw privatized the oil fields, benefited by receiving millions of the profit, and left practically the entire Iranian citizenship with nothing to eat, contaminated water to drink, and sand for shelter.
     In the two decades following WWII, the U.S. supported the Baath Party as well as Saddam Hussein. Under intense pressure from corporations, OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) agreed in 1972 to raise the price-per-barrel from $3 to $22. As a result, Iraq decided to nationalize its own oil fields and, subsequently, Hussein was labeled a terrorist leader by the United States government. After serving for 11 years as vice president, Hussein became president and began a sweeping purge of his so-called “opponents”—Iran being attacked without provocation. In a Stockholm Case Research Institute study, it was discovered that 52 countries supplied to either Iran or Iraq; and 29 countries, including the United States, supplied both sides. A1988 policy by the U.S. Dept. of State gave massive loans to Iraq to purportedly finance agricultural and business ventures. The funds instead were used to purchase weapons, helicopters, as well as bacterial cultures. “We had no idea that Saddam Hussein would be using chemical weapons on his own people,” claimed David Welch of the State Dept. “If we had known all this, uh, well we would have made our policy quite different in 1988, I’m sure.”
     OPEC kept prices stable in 1989 by limiting the amount of oil member countries were allowed to produce. In other words, this was an organizational sanction with government approval for the pretended scarcity of crude oil. Kuwait, literally drawn out of Iraq with more imaginary lines by the British in 1928, exceeded this limit by 20% which drove down global oil prices. Knowing that Iraq lost about 80% of its oil income, the U.S. antagonistically told Iraq that there was no defense agreement between the United States and Kuwait. Any candid mind would be keen to the fact that this was obviously a means the U.S. would use to elicit an invasive response from Iraq. And, although the United States never provided any satellite pictures of the supposed Iraqi buildup of soldiers along the border of Kuwait, the first Bush Administration lied to the Saudis ultimately to gain access to Saudi Arabia and eventually secure stakes in the oil fields. In the words of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, “Oil is too important to be left to the Arabs.” So, on August 7th, the Saudi government accepted the Administration’s request and without even notifying Congress, “American” soldiers began flying in.
     Meanwhile, at the U.N. headquarters in New York City, politicians attempted to plaster over problems with the same old, ineffective rhetoric. And although the idea of “peaceful resolution” seems to have been echoed throughout this convention of bureaucrats, U.S. troops were synchronously being built up in Saudi Arabia. What the United States was doing, preparing for invasion by building up troops along the Iraqi border, was exactly the reason given to “American” citizens for declaring war against Iraq! Propaganda and fear campaigning by corporate and government collusion proved once again successful in maintaining mass-ignorance. For, if “American” citizens were not bombarded with WMDs (Weapons of Mass Delusion) being dropped by their own government, perhaps these citizens would have realized that war was mounting while Congress, the body constitutionally given the responsibility of declaring war, was only just convening to begin discussion of even commitment of troops; let alone to declare war. Ultimately, the Bush Administration delusively scared nearly the entire U.N. Security Council into believing that diplomatic negotiations would be futile and that war would be the only way. And so, bombings began on January 15, 1991 at around 3:00 AM local time in Iraq. Despite assurance from the U.S. government that there would be no civilian casualties, according to former Attorney General Ramsey Clark the equivalent of seven and a half Hiroshima bombs were dropped on Iraq in just 42 days. However, these so-called “surgical strikes” turned out to be indiscriminate bombings that destroyed integral life-support systems, such as water purification, power-, even food-production plants, and killed perhaps over 100,000 civilians.
     After taking Kuwait in 24 hours, and then southern Iraq in another 24 hours, an unexpected uprising to Saddam’s regime took place on February 26th. Fearing that the premeditated plan, undeniably set up by his Administration, was going awry, Bush stopped the war the very next day and an official cease-fire was issued on the 28th. By March 3rd, a deal was obviously made by the U.S. government and Hussein’s regime. In a sudden turn of events, the U.S. then supported the regime to supposedly allow Iraqis, namely Hussein, to eliminate the rebellion in the south; as if over 100,000 allied troops would fail to achieve that end. After the war, the U.N. Security Council passed more practically useless resolutions that were meant to ease the hardship of Iraqi citizens. The council also passed Resolution 688 which allegedly established a No Fly Zone in Northern Iraq. However, Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies revealed, “There is no reference in any U.N. resolution to the establishment of No Fly Zones in Northern and Southern Iraq.” More acts; more resolutions; more sanctions; and more plaster; yet no viable solutions. In fact, Bill Hartung, an International Arms-Trade analyst stated, “After the Gulf War, U.S. arms manufacturers and the Pentagon took advantage of making new arms sales to the Middle East at the rate of about $1-billion a month.” All the while, Iraqi citizens, men, women, and children, were literally starving to death and deprived of even the most basic medical supplies. It makes one wonder how our “value” system became so distorted over the years as to render an imaginary concept such as profit superior to the well-being and tangible necessities of all Human Beings.
     On the coalition side, thousands of veterans began to report medical problems such as achy joints, memory troubles, falling ill, and that they were getting rashes with no explanation. It was later uncovered that during the 70’s and 80’s, the Pentagon began secretly testing new rounds made from a portion of the billion and a half pounds of depleted Uranium-238 which the Department of Energy had accumulated. Although the U.S. government was well aware of the extensive research conducted on rats about the fact that as a highly radioactive material, Uranium settles in the lungs, kidneys, liver, muscle, testicles, and can even travel through the placenta from mother to child, the Pentagon tried ardently to suppress this information; even its own July 1990 report which documented the potential for a ban on such radioactive material—based on an assumption that most people exposed would be soldiers and perhaps even civilians on the battlefield inhaling the dust after rounds being fired. Unfortunately, this information did not reach the soldiers; and so thousands camped in contaminated areas for up to two months with no warning or any idea at all. At the Basra General Hospital in Southern Iraq, doctors stood virtually helpless, due to economic sanctions that withheld the distribution of vital medical supplies, and were forced to stand by and watch children die at a rate of 1 or 2 a day. The radioactivity even caused an 11 year old girl to somehow contract ovarian cancer!
     In conclusion, the number of lies told by the government of our wonderful United States about the events surrounding the entire Gulf War is completely mind-numbing. But, this is just one example of the many consequences which have been the result of distorted social values, such as plutocratic mentalities, deceitfulness, exploitation, corporate aggrandizement, and misinformation, being passed down through 3 generations of Bushisms. To the elitists, corporate CEOs, and government officials, we are all simply Human guinea pigs. Even in WWII, soldiers were told to stand outside to witness atomic bomb tests; in Vietnam, Agent Orange, another fine chemical “defoliant” produced by U.S. corporations, was indiscriminately dumped all over Vietnamese and “American” soldiers alike; creating a host of health issues due to its high toxicity. Currently, 15 countries still produce ammunition out of radioactive waste. But what we must remember is this: As long as people perpetuate the notion that war is a necessity, manufacturing and selling weapons to all sides, essentially creating an unstable environment that inculcates the illusionary ideas of profit, private property, and self-interest, as well as highly misinterpreted notions of patriotism, freedom, and democracy, war will undoubtedly persist on a global scale. And, due to the latest failure in the long line of oil junkies, George W. Bush, we are now fighting two seemingly endless wars against an enemy that is so broadly defined, the next “terrorist” even has a good chance of being youit all depends on whether you have a “valuable” resource or commodity (your Human labor) and are willing to give in to governmental and corporate demands or attempt to go against the redundant cycle of lies and corruption to become disillusioned. But, we have a chance to reclaim ourselves; to reclaim each other; and to reclaim the environment—it just depends on the choices we make as individuals in our collective system. The only ‘real’ issues are those common to all Human Beings and the environment which sustains the global ecosystem. Until this understanding becomes globally accepted, we will continue making decisions subjectively, based entirely on personal biases, insufficient information, and opinions, instead of arriving at decisions by utilizing the vast knowledge base we have accumulated over the course of our existence.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Declaration of Interdependence

[Updated May 19, 2015]
   When in the course of Human events, a necessity for an unprecedented, immediate, and interminable global cooperation arises, that of a truly undivided people must firmly be realized to achieve goals concurrently. Human Beings of all ages, creeds, ethnicities, and governments, unified to forge Global Legislation, should bring forth a declaration of causes for separation from, and abolishment of, all constraints inhibiting positive intellectual and technological progression, and for movement towards Unity, of all Human Civilizations on Earth.
     We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Human Beings are NOT created equal; that they are, instead, evolutionary products of the Universe, and thus are equally bound by the Laws of the Universe as described by the most updated understanding of such Laws. That it is within the responsibilities of all Human Beings to Unite and ensure a future of advancement and security for all forms of life inhabiting their finite world. That to embrace the prospect of boundless knowledge for their kind strengthens the effort to thoroughly understand the fundamental structure of the Universe. That to obtain a greater understanding of the Universe yields interpretation of purpose. That the possibility of discovering purpose inspires Human Beings to become united and self-sustaining without the threat of tyranny and oppression. That when self-sufficient Governments of their world become destructive of these ends and fail to secure the well-being of all Humans, it is their right, it is their duty to alter or abolish these Systems of Government and provide a new, worldwide, Emergent System which recognizes Advancement as Derivative of ecological interdependence.
Such has been the toleration by Human Beings; and so now becomes the necessity to alter their Systems of Government. The history of governments on planet Earth is a history of expansion scarred by material greed, power and control over the masses. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
     We have refused our Assent to the Laws of the Universe, the most wholesome and necessary for the perpetuation of Humankind. We have allowed our Legislatures to neglect passing Laws of immediate and pressing importance; and when they so shall pass such Laws, it is at the desire of lobbyists and private corporations not serving the Interests of the global public. We have allowed corrupt individuals the ability to write Legislation of unusual, uncomfortable lengths for the sole purpose of fatiguing us into compliance without understanding. We have witnessed the enslavement, indoctrination, genocide, and invasions on the rights of millions of people throughout Human history. We have ignored the fact that tens of thousands of people die every day due to preventable causes easily avoidable through technological means that modernized countries simply take for granted. We have refused for a long time, after such occurrences, to take measures to ensure well-being of all Humans worldwide and to promote an understanding that the authority of Legislative Powers ultimately resides in the People at large for the sole purpose of preventing Annihilation; our entire planet remaining in the mean time under the influence of totalitarians. We have endeavored to allow the creation of obstructions at the borders of our supposedly separated 'countries' in order to block a concerted effort to recognize the global Family of Humanity; all in the name of pretended Security from and fabricated competition against one another. We have declared War on other Human Beings for vast numbers of unjustified reasons; reasons easily resolved through finding a means to bridge the differences between us all. We have failed to acknowledge the importance of Education, Health and Technology in the future advancement of our global society. We have neglected the innate duty of responsibility to the betterment of a societal whole, unacknowledged or unbeknownst by many and abandoned by others in times of greatest importance; giving our Assent to acts of pretended legislation:
     For allowing such indecency to Humankind to continue unabated: For protecting the actions of some and attacking those same actions of others by use of loopholes and extenuating circumstances that ignore the root causes of Human Behavior: For cutting off or restricting Trade with certain parts of the world, causing death and disease, for intentions based on profit and control; not sustainability: For depriving us in many cases, of information useful to making decisions that affect Citizens and their Rights and Liberties: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses: For tolerating the abrogation of habeas corpus, Human and Civil Rights and Liberties; advocating instead Systems of Corporate Government corrupt with avarice, Injury and monetarily influenced political bureaucracy; inevitable to becoming self-destructive as all hitherto governments have: For cherishing theological ideology over logical design—the ability and responsibility of Humankind to align with Natural processes and advance itself to a level of unforeseen understanding bereft of hallowed subjugation—and neglecting to focus rather on an unabridged understanding of the underlying principles that constitute the Laws of the Universe.
     We have abdicated Government, in many instances under false pretenses of necessary Security, becoming subject to War against ourselves. We have plundered the land, ravaged the Coasts, bombed the cities and destroyed the lives of millions of people in other nations. We are at this time transporting large Armies of Mercenaries to other nations to complete the works of death and desolation, with hypocritical intentions to prevent such acts from being carried out, under circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy scarcely unparalleled to the most barbarous ages. We have excited domestic insurrections amongst ourselves due to unjust laws and advocated inequalities.

     In every stage of these Oppressions, We have, through a vast range of Organizations, Petitioned for Redress in the most Humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury.

     We have been warned time and again of attempts by our legislatures to extend unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the conditions of our Assent to only fair and just Laws. We have appealed for honorable justice and magnanimity and they have been deaf to the voice of reason and logic. Therefore, we must denounce Separation of Nations and Society, Unite the Governments of Humankind, and provide safeguards for the future of our Posterity.

     We, the Representatives of planet Earth, in Council, Assembled, appealing to Humans of Earth for sanction of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Sovereign Authority of all Humans from all Nations, solemnly publish and declare, that all separate Nations are, and of Right ought to be United; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to oppressive institutions, and Recognize that as a single species sharing a single planet with millions of other species, We, Humans, with the capacity to affect global ecological change, have a specific Responsibility to Manage and Maintain, as much as technologically possible, Global Ecological Synergy; that all Social, Ecological, Economic, Political, and thus any other connections between Humankind, all species on Earth, and the environment as a whole, which have the potential to create a propensity to act against Natural processes, such as States, are and ought to be totally evaluated on a global scale and updated, changed, or discarded as necessary; and that as Sovereign Humans bound to a single, common, logical, Nature-derived Understanding based upon strategic resource evaluation, management and sharing, they have a fundamental Duty to provide Access to the Necessities of Life to all Humans without exception, to promote Peaceful, Global Cooperation, and to ensure a Dynamic Equilibrium of Harmony with Earth. And for the support of this Declaration, we, the people of Earth, pledge to each other our Lives, our Guidance, and our Knowledge.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Monetary Paramnesia

     Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution; for what?—so that the Human species can obliterate every other life-form on this planet’s chance of survival by the pervasive brain-melting spoon-fed to the general public through Everything, Inc.? Ignorant and complacently accepting the current worldwide situation as ‘the way it goes’ (you know, the endless expansion of the Global Empire of Corporations, war, poverty, corruption, crime, exploitation, etcetera), most of us are completely unaware of the manipulative, environmentally devastating decisions made every single day by the “privileged” in monetary hegemony. However, even fewer are those that apprehend the fundamental nature of the institutionalized practice of money creation present in almost every monetary system established in the world—fractional reserve banking. Being such an all-encompassing concept, it is quite disappointing that the monetary system continues to be the most accepted, unquestioned, misunderstood, socially destructive ideologies in existence—hand-in-hand with religion. Yet our problems continue as we pretend to “solve” them with money as the first, last, and only resort. In any given situation, we feel that throwing money at it will somehow magically make everything all better. If that doesn’t work, we throw bombs and bullets. When that is finished, we again throw money at the aftermath and call ourselves “patriotic” for cleaning up our own socially and environmentally destructive wake. How delusional are we? Examining case studies concerning virtually any country on Earth, one thing is strikingly clear: money is the key factor contributing to both the problems and the solutions to those problems. How can this be, though? How can something be a solution to a problem if the problem is caused by that which is the solution? It seems like a contradiction in terms; but, this stupefying paradox is undoubtedly the global situation—that is: literally, a figment of our collective imagination subjugates the entire Human population and dictates the future of all life on Earth while almost no one stops to think about how the system itself even operates; day, after day, after day. So, if we are to compare any countries to one another, we should logically begin by realizing the common thread and examining the most fundamental factor of all: how money is created in a fractional reserve banking system. For, a full understanding of this process would elucidate just how mind-numbingly pointless the entire concept is; especially if we are to make a genuine attempt at prudently redefining sustainability as ‘access, not excess’ with total respect for the environment, and achieving global intellectual and technological equilibrium.
  The history of bartering, and thus monetary conceptualization, is shrouded in misinterpretation and assumptions. Why?—because the histories of practically all other ideologies (e.g., religions, economies, governments, etc.,) are undeniably subject to interpretation and personal biases. Even this essay could be considered biased and subjective; it depends on individual perspectives. In other words, interpretation is relative. Thus, two millennia of mistranslations, edits, and manipulations have distorted the collective “value” system and led virtually all of Humankind to fallaciously consider the following to be factual:
1. There is a “god” that coordinates everything according to what Human Beings have rewritten repeatedly in books deemed “scripture”;
2. Money is a fundamental necessity or resource;
3. Economics is a science; and,
4. Government is a requirement for order to exist in society.
Of course, we will only concern ourselves with money, although expositions of the other topics would be quite entertaining.
     Let us begin by realizing that during the initial stages of trade, coining money had not been developed technically. Hence, a trade of physical objects believed to have similar intrinsic “value” based on actual necessity took place. However, lugging around heavy objects for trade was difficult in early non-technical societies around the world. As technological capabilities increased, eventually allowing Humans to extract “rare” elements such as gold and silver through Human labor, an increase in the intrinsic “value” of such elements logically followed. Early civilizations recognized the fact that trading these smaller, more valuable units was much more efficient in regards to the transportation of goods. Through centuries of bartering and coin trade, the concept of value almost inevitably found itself placed upon land, commodities, resources and even the lives of a plethora of animal species around the planet; including our very own. This represented the dawn of an entirely new era in the history of Humankind: the age of private property.
     Eventually, technical innovation in the field of printing allowed the expansion of this concept at a never-before-seen rate. Money, which represented a means to “purchase” property and goods, could now be printed and traded while the intrinsic value represented on such paper was actually held in so-called “precious” metals guaranteed by the supplier (banks). Originally, money was only printed in direct proportion to such valuable metals as they were acquired; however, as we will soon see, this is no longer the story. In any case, however, those who control the money supply, control everything. If this was not true, history would be much different and you would surely not be sitting here reading my essay in the good ole’ United States of America—at least the U.S.A. we all complacently think we know and love. In fact, the only time in the history of the United States that the national debt was entirely paid off was during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, who was opposed to a central banking system and successfully dismantled the Second National Bank for many of the reasons that have manifested throughout the years since. Then, in 1913, Congress enacted the Federal Reserve Act, establishing a foundation upon which a system of currency control could be built—the United States Federal Reserve System, whose mission statement was “to provide for the establishment of Federal reserve banks, to furnish an elastic cur¬rency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes.” (It is strange that so many bills passed by Congress have left a highly questionable, hypthetical ellipses at the end of the statement “and for other purposes” while never fully outlining what these “other purposes” are. Essentially, that task is left for the general public to discern by spending countless hours sifting through 1000+ page bills filled with references to other 1000+ page bills or by receiving daily doses of sugar-coated, almost subliminally corruptive propaganda via corporate-sponsored, private news media.) Summarily, the Federal Reserve served and still serves as the central bank of the United States. From the outset, the goal of the government in implementation of this system was to institutionalize the practice of money creation in a fractional reserve banking system while dealing with any inherent problems. It was not until 1961 that this particular system was detailed and distributed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in one of the most unknown books ever released here in the United States: Modern Money Mechanics.
     So, what is money? Everyone is always clamoring about ‘money this; money that’ but very few actually sit down and think about how to truly define the term money. No worries; Modern Money Mechanics has that covered by giving the following definition: “If money is viewed simply as a tool used to facilitate transactions, only those media that are readily accepted in exchange for goods, services, and other assets need to be considered…Today, in the United States, money used in transactions is mainly of three kinds - currency (paper money and coins in the pockets and purses of the public); demand deposits (non-interest bearing checking accounts in banks); and other checkable deposits, such as negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts, at all depository institutions, including commercial and savings banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions (page 1).” In other words, money exists as transaction accounts and currency. Transaction accounts include personal checking as well as savings and loan accounts at member financial institutions while currency is physical paper or coin money held by the public.
     Now that we have a general understanding of what money is, the next logical question arises. What gives money value? How this workbook answers this question is perhaps the most insidious slap in the face to the general public that anyone could ever administer. On page 2, the message is quite clear: “In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries. Coins do have some intrinsic value as metal, but generally far less than their face value.” You may be wondering where the acceptability of face value stems from. The short hand answer is nowhere; but the book sums the real answer up much more effectively: “Mainly, it is the confidence people have that they will be able to exchange such money for other financial assets and for real goods and services whenever they choose to do so (page 2).” And there it is; confidence of the general public is where money derives valuewell, sort of. For, this story is only beginning.
     Value is partially derived from scarcity of a good (or money) in relation to its usefulness. “Control of the quantity of money is essential if its value is to be kept stable. Money's real value can be measured only in terms of what it will buy. Therefore, its value varies inversely with the general level of prices (page 2).” Thus, devaluation is built into the system itself and is literally impossible to stop. The book continues, “If…growth in the supply of money does not keep pace with the economy's current production, then prices will fall, the nation's labor force, factories, and other production facilities will not be fully employed, or both (page 3).” The true scope of this situation just continues to grow evermore dimly as our analysis reveals the truth that job loss and inflation too are inherent in this system.
     Understanding what money is and how money derives value, it now becomes necessary to examine where our money comes from. Who makes our money? As mentioned earlier, when the U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) came into existence in 1913, its primary role was to act as the central bank of the U.S. In the Federal Reserve Act, the U.S. government granted the Fed sole responsibility for regulating the printing and distribution of currency. Since then, the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) have been printing and distributing what are known as Federal Reserve Notes. Very clearly on every bill printed by this institution it is inscribed with the words, “This note is legal tender for all debts public, or private.” So what do these all-too-often overlooked terms “note” and “legal tender” mean? Quite simply a note is any piece of paper arbitrarily assigned a certain “value” based on the arrangement of symbols and denominations which represents an obligation to repay a loan (debt) to the sum of the printed value--a promissory note. Legal tender is any note or good offered to repay a debt. Therefore, Federal Reserve Notes have absolutely nothing of real intrinsic value (e.g. gold, silver) to back up the value displayed by such symbols and denominations which, in reality, depict the amount of debt owed to the Federal Reserve by the U.S. Treasury. In other terms, the money printed by the Federal Reserve is known as “fiat” currency; or artful pieces of fabric with no “real” value yet sanctioned by our government to be legal tender. It may sound hard to believe, but this is only where the deception begins. For, to better comprehend this system, we will now examine how our money is re-created in a fractional reserve banking system. In truth, this is perhaps the most genius yet socially destructive concept to have ever been designed. However, just take a look around at the current global situation across all societies and ask yourself whether or not there may be a better way.
     Modern Money Mechanics goes into an exhaustingly long explication of the beautifully crafted process behind the creation of money. Sparing most of the economic jargon, the process can be chiseled down to a few paragraphs. First, the U.S. Treasury (government) requests a loan from the Fed for literally any amount; let’s say $1-billion. If the Treasury is approved for the loan, the Fed requires what are known as “government securities” in order for the transaction to take place. These government securities come in the convenient form of “bonds”—other artful pieces of fabric printed with fancy symbols and denominations that are suddenly given a value of $1-billion out of thin air. After printing these bonds, the government sends them over to the Federal Reserve. When the Fed receives these bonds, it prints up the artsy pieces of fabric mentioned earlier called Federal Reserve Notes, which are also magically given a value of $1-billion, and sends them over to the government. Once this transaction takes place, the government then deposits the newly acquired money into the Treasury Transactions & Loan (TT&L) account at the Federal Reserve. Tada! $1-billion dollars are injected into the money supply after literally being created out of thin air and instantly become available for new loans. This is known as the “principal” money supply. (Although physical money is still created in this fashion, the process has become instantaneous through the propagation of digital currency. The entire process just described happens on a secure digital network (the FedWire) between the Fed and the Treasury or other member financial institutions. Basically, digital bits are suddenly given intrinsic value in virtually the same manner as physical currency—out of thin air. Committing to the idea of digital bits of information gaining some sort of “value” while travelling through network servers connecting banks to the Fed is a surefire indicator of how insane our society is. But, it is much easier to just swipe a piece of plastic than to fumble around with such a nuisance as actual money; isn’t it?)
     Once the deposit is made, as determined by the Federal Reserve guidelines, the financial institution is required to retain a stated percentage of this deposit in a reserve account set up at the Federal Reserve; essentially releasing the remaining percentage for recirculation as new loans. The book states on page 6, “Under current regulations, the reserve requirement for most transaction accounts is 10 percent.” Therefore, of the $1-billion deposited, $100-million are actually deposited into a reserve account while $900-million are labeled “excess reserves” and become available for loans. What really happens, though, is that the $900-million do not actually come out of the initial deposit and are not in reality used for the loans. Essentially, the initial deposit stands and $900-million are created on top of the $1-billion (this is known as the expansion multiplier.) In theory, this expansion can go on forever, but in general roughly nine (9) times the original deposit ($1-billion in our example) can be created on top of the deposit itself (+$9-billion.)

(See Cumulative Expansion chart on Page 11 in Modern Money Mechanics)

     “Of course they [banks] do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrower’s transaction accounts (page 6).” Therefore, the money for loans is admittedly created out of thin air and exchanged for loan contracts. In other words, money is created out of debt. This debt is ultimately owed to the Federal Reserve by the U.S. Treasury. But, is this debt ever capable of repayment if the money was created by the debt itself through the initial loan? Of course not; and that is the point. As long as currency remains in circulation, even a single dollar, it means that there is a debt owed at least to the sum of the denomination printed on the currency. Simply stated, if the debt owed to financial institutions around the globe were paid in full, not a single penny would be in circulation.
     Thus far, it has been established that money is quite literally created by the Fed out of thin air through loans or debt. The money retains no intrinsic value, has no gold or silver to back up the printed value, and is essentially just a 75% cotton/25% linen composition with colorful ink and misunderstood symbols sanctioned by the U.S. government to serve as “legal tender.” The money is then exchanged for government securities (other fancy pieces of fabric printed by the government) which represent intent to repay this debt. Therefore, every dollar in circulation is and always will be owed to the Fed by the Treasury. Finally, the money supply is increased by an imaginary factor called the “expansion multiplier” which creates even more money out of thin air. The book proceeds to explain variables and actions which affect the expansion or contraction of reserves as well as the money supply itself, but it is clear that if the foundation of this process rests in the fact that money is created out of debt, there remains but a single question: If money is initially created out of a loan for x-amount of dollars, representing the principal money supply, where does the money come from to pay for any interest (y-amount) tacked on to any loans given to the government or the public by lending institutions (x + y)? The answer is simple: it never existed in the first place. In order to pay for such interest, a new loan is required which also comes with more interest. And so an endless cycle of debt through loans is maintained so that new loans are always necessary.
     On page 15, it is stated, “When most people think of money, they think of currency. Contrary to this popular impression, however, transaction deposits are the most significant part of the money stock…Since the most important component of money is transaction deposits, and since these deposits must be supported by reserves, the central bank's influence over money hinges on its control over the total amount of reserves and the conditions under which banks can obtain them.” What this basically insinuates is that the currency in circulation as physical money bears no relevancy in regards to the reserve accounts of financial institutions at the Federal Reserve. The real money stock lies in these “transaction accounts” that include all of the investment stocks which are traded daily by brokers on Wall Street that contribute absolutely nothing at all to the well-being or advancement of society. In other words, the root cause of a vast majority of crimes committed in the United States (physical cash) is merely prestidigitation being performed by the most powerful, imaginary magician of them all—the United States Federal Reserve. Tell that to the private security contractors, privatized prison system workers, government officials, elitists, and multinational corporation execs raking in billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars while 16,000 children die every single day around the world from malnutrition, preventable diseases, and downright neglect; tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who are murdered yearly for the "paper" in their wallets; tell that to over 2-billion people living on less than $2 a day. Just 1% of the United States’ defense budget, which would be about $6.638-billion, would be suffice to construct hydroponic agricultural systems that could soon-after feed every single starving person on Earth. Instead of finding effective, prudent ways for Humankind to truly prosper and provide the highest standard of living and sustainability to ourselves and global Posterity, we continue subserviently shifting pieces of cotton around in justification for killing even more people by going to war—perhaps the most profitable industry ever; for destroying the entire ecosystem of Earth because it is cheaper dumping our trash into lakes, rivers and oceans; and for literally burning through depleting resources at an increasing rate. Do you think any of these people in economic or monetary hegemony truly give a shit? Clearly, the answer is a resounding FUCK NO. The real question to ask is this: Do any of us give a shit?

     Here’s a thought experiment: Take a $100 bill, for instance. If you and I are sitting at a table and I rip the $100 bill in half and place one of the two halves on the tabletop, could you tell me what it is now worth? Would you say it is worth $50?—Of course not; you could not take this half into a bank, demand $50 in exchange for the half, and expect to be given this amount. One of two things would likely happen: 1. a banker would inform you of the 'illegality' of defacing supposedly 'Federal' currency and attempting to fraudulently perform a transaction with the defaced bill; or 2. a banker would tell you it would not even be worth a single dollar. Next, I lay the other half down on the table and again ask the value. Does this simple act mean full value suddenly appears out of nowhere just because the other half is present? Strangely enough, it does. If you think about it, no one would refuse to take a $100 split in half because with a piece of tape, the bill would magically be as good as new—still worthless yet legal tender to the sum of the printed denomination. Now I take a $1 bill and rip it in half as well. With a piece of tape, I connect one half of the $100 bill with one half of the $1 bill. The obvious question is what is it worth? Is it $50.50?—definitely not. Again it would be unacceptable and deemed worthless. But let’s use gold leaf tape to fasten the halves of the $100 bill back together. Once more, what is it worth; $100?—If so, then what about the value of the tape that was used; is it simply lost to the bill itself? How? And if you don't know, then who does? The idea that value can spring into existence out of thin air and disappear without a trace is completely absurd. Yet this is exactly how money itself is created in the first place and given value. The same fabric that is used to print $1 bills is also used to print $100 bills. The presidents whose faces adorn U.S. currency would more than likely be outraged by the fact that their images are used to perpetuate such a globally destructive scam.
     Sadly, we live in a sick, insane society which clings desperately to such disuniting concepts as individual self-interest, private property, class stratification, free-market trade, corporate aggrandizement, and competitionall stemming inevitably from monetary systems. Not only the fractional reserve banking system, but any monetary system at all is not, never has been, and never will be a fundamental necessity in regards to the distribution of resources. Money is not a resource. Nor is the monetary system a viable solution for any problems other than those used for calculating interest rates. People need access to not excess of the necessities of life. Excess in any monetary system naturally is found in the hands of the few at the expense of the many; thus, perpetuation of class distinctions as well as antagonistic sentiments toward the have-nots by the haves is undoubtedly inherent. We need to take an unprecedented step back and start looking at the Earth as a single organism comprised of many different, interdependent components; for that is exactly what this majestic planet naturally is. Human Beings are but a single species. Yet the choices we collectively make or allow to be made affect literally every single other species of plant and animal life in the global ecosystem. This is perhaps the fundamental difference between us and all other life on Earth. We hold the fate of this entire planet in our hands, but risk destroying it all for a bunch of worthless fabric.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Buying Capitalism

     Two decades following WWII, the United States government became inclined to search for a way to entice foreign leaders to yield to U.S. interests without the use of force. Thus, an entirely new government-puppet group, comprised of influential CIA agents, came into existence—the economic hit men. The idea is fairly simple: If a foreign leader refuses to comply with corporate interests, an economic hit man is sent in with a multi-million dollar proposal in order to suppress any nationalist sentiments which could potentially remove such interests’ stake in claiming resources. If the hit man fails, what are known as “Jackals” are sent in to attempt assassination of the leader and aid in a political coup that places a comprador in power through propaganda and fear campaigning. The comprador acts basically as a bourgeoisie middle-man for private multinational corporations, leaving but minute fractions of the resource-profit to benefit the general public; if any at all. However, if by some chance both the hit men and Jackals fail, as a last resort the military is sent in under the guise of “eradicating evil communism.” Of course, this is actually geared toward the expansion of U.S.-based multinational corporations and those supposed “saviors” of Humankind everyone’s been clamoring about these days—capitalism and democracy.
     Ecuador, in the late 1970s, was the setting for practically unregulated corporate plunder of the countries’ natural resources, such as oil. Jaime Roldos was elected president in 1979 and was wholly focused on protecting the interests of the Ecuadoran people whom were suffering rising poverty levels and degradation in the general standard of living. John Perkins, an economic hit man contracted through the CIA, was sent in to persuade Roldos to take the multi-million dollar deal, or face impending assassination. Refusing to take the deal, Roldos died in a plane crash in May of 1981, following what would be his final speech. Strangely enough, the entire area surrounding the crash was sealed off by U.S. military personnel. Not surprisingly, those individuals that were to testify on Roldos’ behalf also died within the week following the crash. The investigation lasted a mere week.
    The story of Omar Torrijos’ assassination began in 1904 when the United States started construction on the Panama Canal. Sixty year later, Panamanians demanded control of the canal due to a steady decline in Panama’s economy; all the while the U.S. reaped literally all of the financial benefits. Torrijos, elected in 1968, wanted sovereignty for his nation and insisted upon a canal treaty. Again, Perkins was sent in to attempt to buy the president’s allegiance. Despite the ultimatum of “here’s the cash or here’s a bullet,” Torrijos simply stated, “If I play your game, I will become rich; but, I want to help my poor people.” Sadly, only three months after the Ecuadoran president’s death, Omar Torrijos died in a strikingly similar plane crash scenario which was undoubtedly conducted by the CIA.
     So, how has this corrupt conduct shaped political events? For starters, Ecuador is in a current state of political turmoil, boasting one of the world’s largest external debts. Fifty percent of the country’s budget goes to the IMF and the World Bank; both of which are based in Washington, DC. In fact, there are basically three hegemonic entities that control the flow of money around the world—corporations, banks, and governments. And guess who was appointed president of the World Bank in 1967: Robert McNamara, former president of Ford Motor Corporation and former Secretary of Defense under President Johnson—the whole shebang in one man. This screams ‘Inherent Corruption;’ right into the ears of those who complacently “buy into” capitalism, “Chase what matters”, and ask some imaginary “man” in the sky called ‘god’ to bless America—you know, the best damn country in the whole wide world. (Here’s the new national slogan: ‘America: Bringing democracy to a country near you!) But the screams seem to fall upon deaf ears. Thus, the representatives of corporations, banks, and governments hand the rest of Humankind a future with shovels for each and every one of us—so that we can dig ourselves out of all the propaganda, 1,000-page-plus bills, ignorance-inducing bullshit we are now forced to clog around in.
     In 2003, “W’ sent troops into Iraq. Need I go any further? The controversy was surrounding an oil pipeline owned by the Bechtel Corporation that would essentially privatize Iraq’s oil and channel it through Jordan. Suddam Hussein declined so Jackals were sent in along with Perkins in an attempted coup d’ etat which failed. Of course, this failure led to another—the 2003 “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” In fact, $20-billion in Iraqi assets were confiscated by the U.S. government and declared a “development fund.” 144 pallets of $100 bills were flown to Iraq where three government officials were in charge of simply handing out cash all day long. Not surprisingly, $18-billion was actually spent and roughly $9-billion is still unaccounted for.
     The bottom line is this: The reconstruction of economies is based on expanding markets to serve the interests of multi-national corporations; not necessarily to benefit the citizens of a particular nation indebted to the criminals at the IMF and World Bank. Case-in-point; in 2005, Paul Wolfowitz was appointed president of the World Bank. Immediately following his appointment, Wolfowitz established a World Bank office in Iraq. Meanwhile, the IMF decided to set conditions to get Iraq out of the debt these two companies basically forced onto the country. In 2006, Iraq shifted oil from the public sector to multinational corporations, while Wolfowitz toured the country on a “poverty reduction” campaign—signing a contract to indebt Iraq for billions plus interest with one hand; waving to countless citizens that directly suffer the consequences of such massive debts with the other hand. Stories such as these are still taking place while OPEC stands virtually powerless against multinational corporations that have more political clout than a large portion of entire countries. The future looks great, but only for a few of us—you and I are probably not privileged enough to be included in that few.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Measuring the HEIT of Humankind

     I am quite sure most of you have heard the whole 'war=peace' spiel before. For the record, my country is Earth—and so is yours. And, the true heroes are those who find ways to bridge the differences between people and nations; not those who kill for any rationalization you would like to propose.
     Let me ask you something: Have you ever thought about the statement when someone says, "War is necessary to maintain...peace"? Being diametrical opposites, it may be tempting to equate this relationship with that of a concept such as magnetism. Based on scientific observation, no monopole has yet been discovered anywhere in the Universe from our relatively miniscule geocentric perspective. Insofar as we currently understand Laws of physics, a magnet will always have what we refer to as a North and South magnetic pole; even if a magnet is broken in half.
     Similarly, no peace has ever been observed without war as a referential example; and vice versa. Thus, peace=war, and war=peace; whether or not a nation is divided or United is irrelevant. However, to prove this assumed parallel erroneous, as it most assuredly is, let us examine the ideas in such an argument further:
     Considering the fact that Education becomes the cornerstone of global society in the particular Federation I have outlined, we can irrefutably take into account the outcome of an unconditional (meaning money-free) Education contributing to a global understanding of carrying-capacity through an unprecedented, global resource evaluation; again, money-free. This evaluation, which has yet to be conducted, will give us the most definitive answer to the question of carrying-capacity we have ever attempted to calculate. Only then will we be able to state whether or not that carrying-capacity has not yet been reached, has been reached, or has been exceeded. Until then, all that I can say is this: Doubtless, with the intelligent application of Technology and global sharing of evaluated resources, it is quite possible for the Human population to stretch into the tens of billions and coexist in a symbiotic relationship with the environment which sustains us as well as all other life on Earth.
     Such a society would abandon the fallacious, exploitative, destructive means of war and find a better way to the end of interdependent development WITH the environment; not in spite of the environment. Perhaps this is what can be equated to an idea of genuine “peace.” If so, then peace definitely does not equal war. It becomes apparent that the terms peace and war are simply in a linguistic relationship as such; not necessarily in a real-world application as such. For, ALL language is subject to interpretation. Our interpretation of war is relative to our interpretation of peace; and our interpretation of peace is relative to that interpretation of war; so on and so forth.
     In English, it is similar to asking, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” and focusing solely on the idea of a chicken or the idea of an egg elucidated by our ever-evolving, modern English lexicon; ignoring in whole the fact that the terms “chicken” and “egg” have no meaning to any person with no understanding of the English language. It is partly why some cannot think of one of these ideas without the other and complacently claim each as equals; or, at the very least, equally necessary. This particular mindset boasts of what is falsely perpetuated as an inescapable direct proportion of one idea to the other. Again, this is simply conceptually represented through linguistic composition, and is not necessarily real-world applicable.
     If one truly thinks about this situation objectively, without an observational guide, such as an actual chicken in this particular illustration, communication through words is but the result of extremely sophisticated evolutionary features, Human vocal chords, being coordinated by what is perhaps the most sophisticated evolutionary feature on Earth—the Human brain.
     Back to the language experiment: Let us now substitute peace and war in an attempt to form an analogous interpretation ourselves. We should also keep good and evil in mind as well, since these two terms seem to be linked to the former two terms, respectively:
     In English, it is similar to asking, “What came first, war or peace?” and focusing solely on the idea of war or the idea of peace. Again, both are subject to and have relative interpretations as well as no meaning to any person without understanding of the language spoken. And, of course, language undergoes perpetual evolution; most cannot think of one without the other; claim each as equals, or equally necessary; and then cease the pursuit of intellectual stimuli that could potentially support or disprove such underdeveloped claims. The resultant ignorant interpretation is then transmitted by unread people through social networks, like this one, to other people that thrive on propaganda, drama, and fake or edited news spun by corporate conglomerate media outlets.
   Again, without an observational guide, such as an actual war, communicating interpretations of these terms is but the result of sophisticated evolutionary features being coordinated by a much more sophisticated evolutionary feature. This time, however, the Human brain is coordinating a perpetuation of potentially hazardous ideas which fundamentally mainspring resentment towards others—religions, governments, and money.
     It is called SOCIAL CONDITIONING; and we all are subject to it. Those of us that do a little critical thinking will come to the more appropriate conclusion, despite this conditioning: If we are collectively misinterpreting these ideas of peace and war, or good and evil, to the point that we believe one cannot exist without the other, and essentially use this rationalization to find justification for war, then it becomes necessary to redesign global society entirely. When we shift focus from money to the cynosure of intellectual and technological equilibrium and sustainability, the idea of living in a synergetic relationship with each other and the environment manifests by measuring the HEIT (Human-Environmental Interdependent Trade) of our collective existence. Allow me to explain:
     For millennia, Humans have found solace in the systematic trade of scarce resources in order to form a comparative advantage which can be used as an influential means to potentially exploitative, economically powerful, yet intrinsically destructive ends. Scarcity, whether actual or pretended, has been the prime factor in the consideration of “value” being placed on objects or resources for the largest portion of Human history. Demand is in a linguistically proportional relationship with supply. Scarcity inevitably dictates that supply in that there must INITIALLY be a known desirable commodity, scarce or abundant, to be demanded. Therefore, scarcity ultimately establishesvalue.” Technological advancements have proven, however, that scarcity is no longer a viable option for such consideration. An example is hydroponic agriculture.
     From bartering, to coining money, to the present-day printing of paper/fabric money with colorful ink and misunderstood symbols, we seem to have been continuously running like mice on the outside of a giant ball that used to be thought of as flat. Admittedly, it is only to Human ingenuity in an attempt to enhance the Human standard of living that Humankind can attribute the current understandings of the Laws of the Universe, which obviously encompass those “natural” Laws here on Earth. Dollar signs were not flashing in Einstein’s eyes when he discovered the powerhouse of energy pent up inside the nuclei of atoms. No doubt, his vision was unlimited, costless energy for all of Humankind; not vaporization of other Humans for militaristic advantages. Money did not switch the proverbial light on over Edison’s head. He utilized Maxwell’s equations to bring light to people all around the globe; not to hoard this innovation for his home alone while the rest of the world sat alone in the dark. Exemplifications are nearly endless.
     All of the electronic gadgets—televisions, batteries, cameras, computers, cell-phones with all of the above plus internet—which so many take for granted on a minute-to-minute basis can be ascribed to exponential innovation, not money. Sure, money may be one particular driving factor for businesses to strive for improvement, which may or may not, in some indirect way, lead to technological advancements; however, a pile of cash, or bits of information somehow being given “value” from nothing, WILL NOT and CAN NOT tell one how to utilize the experimentally verifiable Laws which govern Electromagnetism here on Earth.
     A businessperson is scarcely familiar with laws of physics; if at all. Nor does a businessperson diverge from the path of profit by any means necessary. Likewise, political “leaders” are just as ignorant and show blatant disregard for the environment to see economically advantageous policies implemented which are influenced financially by businesspeople. So, where is the sensibility in allowing those with no understanding of technology to appropriate the application of technology for self-interested aggrandizement at the expense of the majority of global Human population and the environment? This virtually uncontested complacence can no longer continue if we are to provide a remarkably feasible, globally United, beneficial future for our Posterity—GLOBAL POSTERITY. It becomes evident just how nearly impossible it is for Humankind to be sustainable if mass-ignorance is maintained by multi-national corporate conglomerations spoon-feeding the public scripted news and propaganda through news-media outlets run by their inescapably greedy “representatives.”
     The current system of economic trade is undeniably situated on the foundation of the monetary system, upheld by other “representatives” placed in charge of the World Bank and the IMF—both based in Washington, DC. Global Trade is so interlocked with the fractional reserve banking system that it is confirmable as valid to say the entire Human population of Earth is in debt to this system, because of this system. The twisted part is that no one seems to notice; and those that notice either don’t care, or are bankers. The primary focus has been and continues to be “what’s in it for me?” But, shouldn’t we be asking, “What’s in it for ALL OF US—Environment included?” For, the only REAL trade takes place between Humans and the environment which sustains us and all other living things on Earth. And, for nearly two centuries, we have not been trading fairly at all.
     To maintain stable conditions, which allow sustainable living for Humankind and the environment, we must maintain a balance or equilibrium in our trade. The Human-Environmental Interdependent Trade begins when we peer beyond oppressive means, exploitation, pretended scarcity and rationalization for war, in an attempt to discover a better way. The HEIT of our existence is paramount to understanding how best to accommodate, and perhaps produce massive surpluses of energy, resources and sustenance for, EVERY PERSON ON EARTH. To deem it impossible with no global resource-evaluation is absent-minded and serves only those self-interested persons in economic hegemony. How about we try something new—a GLOBAL economy based on RESOURCES? The transitional phase could take place simultaneously with the global resource evaluation mentioned earlier.
     In order to achieve new HEITs, abolishment of the inherently corrupt monetary system means we become capable of unconditionally forging an unprecedented foundation upon which a future of nearly limitless, global intellectual and technological equilibrium can be built. Sound impossible? If so, then why? Because pretended scarcity has conditioned us to believe that money is a resource or a necessity? Well, IT IS NOT! Is it because it sounds like scary-Mary socialism? IT’S NOT! This is an entirely new concept that has NEVER been attempted. Let me ask you, do you know anything comparative about current understandings of capitalism, socialism, fascism, communism, “any-ism”, free trade, or any other economic system at all? How about multinational corporations, profiteering, the Wall Street gambling institutions, the World Bank, IMF, government manipulation by economic Hit men, exploitation, monopolies, etcetera? Or is what you know simply opinion or hear-say?
     Here’s a fact: The latest trend, especially for the United States, has been for the CIA to send into resource-abundant countries economic hit men with multi-million dollar bribes for political leaders. If the foreign leaders decline, Jackals are sent in for an assassination attempt and to aid in a coup. The last resort, if the hit men and Jackals fail, is to send in the military. Jaime Roldos in Ecuador; Omar Torrijos in Panama; and Suddam Hussein in Iraq are just a few of the many examples. Even if you do know some things about the abovementioned topics, have you ever asked yourself whether there may be a better way? Socialism, capitalism, free trade, businesses, governments, etc., are ALL based on money. As a result, ALL are fundamentally corrupt as well. When this understanding becomes globally understood, doubtless, Humankind will seek a better way. Despite what some may believe or speculate, in an economy based on global resource-sharing, with money no longer in existence, individuality would soar into entirely new realms Humankind has never before witnessed through the intelligent application of technology. Utilizing the scientific method to solve social and environmental problems is part of a concept designed by social engineer Jacque Fresco. Sociocyberneering is perhaps the premier proposal to ensure the most beneficial future for every single person on Earth.
    Again, when Education becomes paramount, a reasonable outlook provides us with a vision of practically ALL other issues eventually aligning on a path to resolve in the most logical, beneficial manner centered on global Unity and sustainability. Knowledge is not property at all; public nor private. Knowledge is not a physical object upon which a price tag can be stamped or an individuals’ name can be carved to declare possession. Nay; knowledge is that which is intangible, yet exists as everything that is. Knowledge is not the things we observe; it is the IDEAS we form and accept from observations and interpretations of phenomena that occur in every-day life. Knowledge is for ALL OF US to discover. Education, acknowledged as a global, life-long learning experience, teaches us all personal as well as social responsibilities and of the consequences that potentially could result from our individual or collective actions (such as population growth).
     So, with a global comprehension of Earth’s evaluated carrying-capacity, perhaps the population really will double. But, if one is willing to present us with a slippery-slope situation like, “the sad thing about exponential growth is that it will likely kill most of us in the end,” that person has to actually take us down the slippery-slope. Otherwise, these are just hollow words sung by an ignorant fool. Furthermore, if one considers a statement such as “It has become clear to me, through a more objective perspective, that death is necessary” truly objective, this turns out to be quite subjective in content. Think about the context in which this statement is framed—This is not objective at all. Rather, this is an opinion and represents a simple misunderstanding of what objectivity is. To be truly objective, one would ask, “Does death, being what is currently understood as an inescapable consequence of Human life, facilitate in any interpretation whatever, an implication of justifiable necessity for war in what has the potential to be a GLOBAL, intellectually and technologically advanced society absent war altogether?” Wrap your underused brain around that.
     Please refrain from attempting to base any point of your sad argument on misconstrued, scientific concepts. It is quite obvious when one knows nothing of astronomy, physics, or any other science for that matter. How do I know? Physics is my major. Now, “floating” implies an object conforming to the Laws which govern gravity-influenced fluidity and pressure here on Earth—Archimedes’ principle, Bernoulli’s principle, the Venturi Effect, etc. If a person knows anything of the Cosmos, that person would know that on average there are only a few (perhaps ten) atoms of Hydrogen per cubic meter in space. Objects follow Newton’s Laws in a near-perfect, frictionless environment (a vacuum) and are subject only to the gravitational attraction of other objects as well as the application of outside forces. The path an object takes through space depends entirely upon such forces —no deviation from the original velocity (magnitude and direction) will take place unless acted upon by an outside force, such as gravity or a collision with another object, according to Newton’s First Law of Motion. So, again; objects do not “float” in space.
     As for the many misunderstandings involving the formation of the moon, this is but ONE of the many possible theories. Although this particular theory, much more comprehensive than most seem to be capable of conveying, is perhaps the most accepted, it must be acknowledged that the subject is still an open question. Scientists believe life did not begin proliferation on Earth until an estimated 1-billion years after the chaotic turbulence surrounding the Sun coalesced into the planets in our Solar System. The cataclysmic event that potentially created the moon is estimated to have happened very early on in Earth’s formation; perhaps a million years after our presently majestic planet collected most of its surrounding dust, ice, debris and gas left in the wake of a supernova. More than likely, this was a massive First Generation star from which the Sun and all the orbiting planets were formed. Stating that the impact killed “a ton of life” is plain nonsensical. Even if life was present, which is doubtful at best: 1. Life at this stage of Earth’s formation would have been comprised of unicellular, microscopic organisms; 2. Very few multi-cellular organisms, if any at all, would have had sufficient time to evolve; and 3. An impact of this magnitude (a Mars-sized object slamming into Earth) would result in what is known as an Extinction-Level Event—meaning ALL life is extinguished.
   Finally we arrive at a most unoriginal conclusion: war is necessary to maintain population balance; and peace, in turn, eventually makes war necessary. Is it really THAT difficult to pose instead the most obvious question that arises from this assumption; “Is there a better way to maintain balance between a growing global Human population and the environment which sustains all life we currently know of?” Seemingly, one is only concerned with maintaining a supposed necessity of war when referencing the appropriation of resources on a global scale; ignoring technological capability and intellectual potential being applied to the appropriation of resources on a global scale through the scientific method. Burning of so-called “natural” resources derived from fossil fuels is undeniably wreaking havoc on the environment. “ALTERNATIVE resources already exist; but Multinational Corporations rooted in the oil and natural gas industries are blocking large-scale production of all-electric vehicles, photovoltaic cell research, geothermal research, and wave-energy research and push propaganda to make the public in industrially developed countries believe in some form of supposed inefficacy of these technologies. To what end?—Money, of course. Planned obsolescence is profitable. Technically speaking, however, these so-called “alternative” forms of energy are the only TRUE “natural” resources; for, no pollution would result from the extraction and conversion of sunlight, or geothermal-, or wave-energy. No fuel would need to be refined and no burning of such fuels would be necessary to extract the unimaginably vast storehouses of potential energy all around us.-----Fact: The sun produces almost 4x10^26 Watts of energy. The amount of this energy which actually reaches Earth’s surface is more than 20,000 times the amount used ANNUALLY by all of Humankind. In other words, innovation in the field of solar cell research alone could potentially solve the energy problem on a global scale—FOREVER. Well, at least for the next 5.5-billion years. But, just imagine the combination of these truly natural sources of energy providing the entire globe with practically unlimited, money-free energy. This is possible TODAY. Not in fifty, or a hundred, or a thousand years—RIGHT NOW. So we can continue to rationalize exploitative practices, promote self-interest, perpetuate hostility towards new approaches, or we can find A BETTER WAY by pursuing new HEITs in our collective existence, rooted in sustainability and global advancement of Humankind. This is The Human Endeavor, and we are ALL on this journey together. We are ONE species sharing ONE planet with millions of others. And that is what we must remember. We already are not alone.